Trickle down economics

He’s using Reagan policy as a slam now. Sure. Ok. LOL.

Agree or disagree with student loan forgiveness? This guy is likely a democrat union worker

I totally agree…tickle down was super S**tty policy. This is not “trickle down”…it’s directed help similar to what farmers get for not farming.

On this issue, you and I are likely in accord.

I’ll only support student loan forgiveness if I can get retroactive payment for the law school loans that I paid off the hard way all those years ago!

Honestly, I’d be more on board with re-classifying student debt as ordinary debt (more easily gotten rid of in bankruptcy) than complete forgiveness. Wish someone was pushing that besides me.


Student loan forgiveness quit trying to dance around the subject

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Hey, whenever one of ya’ll come to your senses and realize trickle down was a joke…I’m dancing and nobody can stop me :man_dancing:

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Me too, i paid for college 100% cash by working myself through college

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Then the interest would be much higher line CC debt

It wasn’t before the change was made so no reason it has to be if its changed back.

Student loan forgiveness is better compared to bank bailouts or even PPP loan forgiveness.

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I know college costs have dramatically gone up as a percentage of income. The reason we could pay was the cost was low. I’ve seen posts here almost joking about that.

Forgiving $10k? That won’t help borrowers much or hurt the economy much. I’m not crazy about the idea, but I’m not ready to resent the recipients of any loan relief.

I’m open to forgiving student loans for fraudulent for-profit schools that basically rip off students; that occurred with ITT Technical Institute recently.

But otherwise, it’s hard for me to sit back and see student loans being forgiven when I got no such relief!


If you’re bashing this trickle down, shouldn’t you bash all of it? I’m really confused by this thread.

I don’t see how its like trickle down. I am liberal and believe in progressive solutions but don’t like the idea of student loan forgiveness.

I can see that position law. But I didn’t get a bank bailout, don’t get paid for not farming, don’t get a lot of things others, many much move wealthy than I am, so it just doesn’t more the needle for me. It’ll be a net win for the economy with some benefiting more than others. Same as a lot of things. I’d prefer it the way I stated earlier but not going to get my dander up this way.

I can tell you this much.

If you are $200,000 or more in debt from student loans, then your degree had better be in MEDICINE…because I see little inclination to pay back loans taken out on a bunch of low income expectation studies that people voluntarily choose.


Exactly, Cheese. The argument that “we shouldn’t do something because it doesn’t directly help me personally” is not a valid position on any policy being discussed/debated. All it does is indicate that one is self-absorbed.

The Federal Government engages in Deficit Spending.

If certain debt is forgiven those payments no longer flow in as new cash receipts.

The Deficit becomes larger. The accumulated debt gets larger.

If this is ok to voters, then it is.

However, as a “Fairness” issue this is wrong to all who already paid their Loans. I paid-off 2 of them. Mine and my wife’s.

Another example of not having to really follow society’s rules, a situation attached to rampant crime. Just another signal that one can be rewarded for not following the rules. Just don’t pay and Big Brother will excuse it.

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