UH Depth Chart

I think this will be it based on what I have seen and heard.

WR M Golden, S Johnson
WR S Brown, P Sawyer
WR J Manjack, J Cobbs
TE M O’Laughlin, M Byrnes
LT P Paul, S Hobdy-Lee
LG T Johnson, M Banes
OC J Freeman, D Harris
RG T Jenkins, P Dunn
RT R Unije, J Garth
QB D Smith, L Coley
RB T Mathis, S Sneed/B Campbell

DE N Caesar, Z Strong
NT C Nwanko, J Caldwell
DT S Williams, T Robbins/A Holmes
DE D Ogwoegbu, N Tucker
LB H Hypolite, J Morris
LB M Robinson, T Cheeks
CB M Alexander, B George
CB I Hamilton, J Emery
NB A Hogan, M Fleming
SS A Haulcy, N Guzman
FS A Brooks, J Gaston


This is probably the deepest we have been in a long time


I think that is very accurate
The one prediction I can see being different is either Hogan or Fleming opposite Hamilton.

So O’Laughlin is ahead of Brynes?

Based on Sam Houston’s chart.
Expect some movement as we get closer to the opener

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I am excited to see the secondary. Some really strong athletes back there. Obviously the receivers are stacked. So, I was also surprised, when Dana was asked yesterday what group is standing out, he said he was excited about the D Line.


No excuses on Dana not having a winning squad this season or he’s gone!

Our defensive scheme has me worried. Whether it’s offense or defense the game is most often won or lost at the LOS and a 4 man DL isn’t going to win very often against a 5 man OL and that’s why a force (or 2) at LB is needed. Seems to me we are playing 2 heavy safeties at LB leaving us vulnerable on the defensive front. We can always adjust based on the offense we’re playing, but I would like to start out with a true fighting chance to control the LOS.

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That was my biggest guess. I’m pretty confident in the other starters but not 100% sure about tight end.

Also, this isn’t our 1st year in the SWC of 50 years ago. Most of the other B12 teams have decades of a lot more $$$ to spend and develop their programs than we have had. I would love to have a winning record this year, but I’m more realistically expecting a rocky road. I hope I’m underestimating our potential this year and we go bowling. Go Coogs!


We appear to have some good talent and depth at TE. I hope we find ways to incorporate them into the offense more. I was disappointed we couldn’t do more so last year. Also, I like Logan Compton.

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Alabama and Georgia use three-man fronts. I like having having a fifth DB, especially given the Big 12 offenses we’ll face.

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Yeah, we didn’t use Trahan as much as I thought we should have last year. Agree there’s good depth at TE as there really is at most every position.

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You may be right Sam. I’m a little old school. Alabama does play 4 linebackers which gives them 6 or 7 hosses up front defensively versus our 4. Georgia does use a 3-3.5 scheme giving them 5-7 hosses up front. Our 2 LBs don’t appear to be “hosses” in that they can be a force at the LOS.

Mathis over Sneed?

I think Mathis’s experience will help earn him the starting nod, but I could be wrong. I definitely expect Sneed to play a lot.

I’m hoping that Logan gets the opportunity to make you (and all UH fans) proud. He’s had a solid start in fall camp. I certainly don’t wish anything bad for our other TEs and would be very happy for M. O’Lauglin if he’s able to get thru the season without any injury. That guy is a picture of resilience. It’s hard enough getting past the physical side of an injury, but I feel it’s even harder to get past the emotional part of an injury. Henry is also coming along and is really athletic like Logan. He’s going to be really good after a few years. I think our TEs are going to surprise some teams.


Have you been able to watch practice? What are you basing your depth chart on? It does look sensible with with a lot of weight given to juniors and seniors and I can’t think of anyone I would change. I am wondering if any freshmen will break into the depth chart, usually someone in a skill position breaks into the depth chart especially as we get deeper into the season. I added the classes to amplify your chart.

WR M Golden (SO), S Johnson (JR)
WR S Brown (SO), P Sawyer (JR)
WR J Manjack (RSO), J Cobbs (JR)
TE M O’Laughlin (SR), M Byrnes (SO)
LT P Paul (JR), S Hobdy-Lee (JR)
LG T Johnson (JR), M Banes (GR)
OC J Freeman (SR), D Harris (I couldn’t find him on roster; do you mean D Hunter (RFR)?)
RG T Jenkins (SR), P Dunn (JR)
RT R Unije SR), J Garth (SO)
QB D Smith (JR), L Coley(SO)
RB T Mathis (JR), S Sneed (SO)/B Campbell (SO)

DE N Caesar (JR), Z Strong (JR)
NT C Nwanko (JR), J Caldwell (SR)
DT S Williams (SR), T Robbins SO)/A Holmes (RFR)
DE D Ogwoegbu (SR), N Tucker ((JR)
LB H Hypolite (SR), J Morris (JR)
LB M Robinson (SR), T Cheeks (SR)
CB M Alexander ((SO), B George (SR)
CB I Hamilton (JR), J Emery (SO)
NB A Hogan (SR), M Fleming (SR)
SS A Haulcy (SO), N Guzman (SR)
FS A Brooks (SR), J Gaston (JR)

Dunn has been pushing Little Tank at guard.


That’s what I’ve heard. Looked like Tank was lined up between Freeman and Unije recently, but RG might still be up for grabs.