UH's Kelvin Sampson goes from $1,000 a year to 'best job I've ever had'

Some talk in here from Pez about CKS’s contract negotiations.

“That’s not $1,000-a-month,” Sampson said this week. "That’s 10 months of $100 — and two months of figuring it out.

“When you are 24 years old and can’t get a job … I just wanted to coach. I had a high school job lined up. I was going to go do that if I could not get an assistant’s job somewhere. I applied for a lot of assistant’s jobs but just couldn’t get one.”

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It’s ok to post BTS article also. He did a good job. Can’t expect them to be homers.


He’s actually way more detailed w his tweets during the game than JD.

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Great article. He is the first great coach since the glory days that is committing to us. Lets not take him or the program for granted like we did back in the day.


No offense intended, Tom, because I don’t want this to come off as angry or directed at you. I agree with you that the article he wrote is not bad, but I have my own feelings towards writers like Smith or Pete Thamel and I choose not to give him the clicks. I don’t mind writers giving negative opinions of UH when deserved, but Smith is two-faced and only writes/says things when he feels it furthers his career. Big problem with the media these days is journalistic integrity and I feel he has none.

I won’t post the article, but anyone else can post it or even start a thread on it. We won’t delete it.


We’ll agree to disagree. I guess I’m too old to worry about little stuff if it’s not one sided to one’s liking. Just like all the claim to be Chron haters on here , but will read anything Coog related from Chron as soon as someone makes it available.


Word Hate is used to much in our society nowadays. I think I’ve just become a softy over the years and just cringe when I see all the hate spewed towards others for very little petty stuff. My rant is over and I can now look frwd to enjoying some College Basketball today. #GoCoogs


All good, Tom. I enjoy the discourse.


Same here. You definitely don’t take it personally when opinions are just being shared w different views. Lucky for me after 28 yrs working for same Corp and in my job duties I’m able to work from home around 70% of time. I just never turn on TV during business hrs but today/Friday will be different. :grin:. #GoCoogs


When I grew up sports editorial was a once a week thing in my hometown paper. It had a personal angle and was usually delivered by the senior staff writer. It was taken seriously because the writer put his name and professional veracity on the line.

Somewhere in the 24 hour sports universe all writing became an editorial cloaked as a story. Now the substance is less important that the reaction it provokes.


Every team looking for a coach are going to want CKS, including the pro’s Orlando Magic.

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