UNT Road trip

Anyone taking a road trip up there? Thinking of making it a family trip. Where is everyone sitting?

Two here are going. Seats are in 124 which is squarely on the south goal line. Lousy seats but maybe UNT fans won’t show and, like the last time I went, my group can move during the game.

Four headed up Saturday. Waiting for my tickets.

I’m taking the alumni bus trip (there are still seats available) going up Saturday morning and returning Saturday after game. That works great since it doesn’t wipe out Sunday as well.

One hitch, I haven’t received my game tickets yet. I just called and was told they went out regular mail last Tuesday and if I don’t get them by Wednesday they will have to reprint at UNT. Just @#&* great!

My dad and I are going. I still remember when we opened that UNT stadium in Case’s senior year. The Coogs ruined the party.

Man, I was at that game; but it just doesn’t seem like it was that long ago.

we are going bought tix thru UNT, home side 40 yd line.

Two of us going-also waiting for tickets. Thinking maybe the storm caused a delay.

We are there!

I just cancelled my Airbnb. If I ever receive my two tickets in the mail, let me know if you are anyone you know is interested.


I’m with you. Thinking the same thing.

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I really want to see UNT’s new facility, so I’m bummed. But I’ll get most of my Airbnb refunded and I’ll just eat the cost of the tickets. I’d rather watch the Spence-Porter fight on my couch Saturday and not make what could be a rather sad drive home

I live in NoTx, so I’ll be there. Got my tickets today. Apogee is a really nice stadium to see a game in and the tailgating is fun. Plus it’s family weekend so they’ll have extra stuff. I almost never make it down to Houston anymore so I’m not missing this chance to see the Coogs live.


I booked a room for Saturday but hasn’t bought tickets yet. Was going to cancel, but the wifey still wants to go.

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In the recent past, I have been to five football away games. Navy a few years back (victory). Texas Tech last year (loss). Navy last year (loss). Army last year (loss). Tulane this year (loss). I’m beginning to believe I am a jinx to the team.

This is the time to try to break the spell. :slightly_smiling_face:

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One more driving up to Denton.

I live under 20-25 mins away and usually don’t miss a game in DFW. Going to show up to cheer on the Coogs but sitting with UNT alums who are friends of the wife’s. I have UH season tickets but can only make 2-3 games a season so @ UNT or @ SMU is nice.

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Thinking about it. Trying to figure out the logistics.

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Will be there. Live in the area and won’t miss this one. Win, lose, or draw, have to see my Coogs!