UT invasion Update


Good, glad to see Senator Whitmire continue to push the issue. Hope the Texas State Auditor takes it seriously.

Thank you for the update Patrick.

Wermond is still avoiding the issue of the constitutionality of the use of puf funds itself and has completely ignored the fact the land was sold for ten times the price of similar purchases by the Woodlands Corp. Unless this turns out to be UT-Austin in Houston the whole deal is against the law and if a prosecutor gets involved exactly zero people will be surprised to find some quid pro quos.

UT BOR meeting Wednesday and UT-Houston on the agenda:


UT, after eliminating 50 unfilled positions, have moved on to offering buyouts to 200 employees. Funding would come from proceeds of the multibillion-dollar Permanent University Fund overseen by the regents. This is to help fund McRaven’s Quantum Leap projects of which UT-Houston is one of them.


Huh? The PUF is only to be used to buy books, build new and maintain old buildings, and buy land for current campuses.

That’s what I thought too.

Not much from the UT BOR meeting today on UT-Houston. McRaven gave the same speech he always gives and only one Regent spoke up afterwards:

Paul Foster, the chairman of UT’s board of regents, acknowledged Wednesday that the Houston deal is controversial.

“This is admittedly a controversial process,” Foster, the only regent to speak on the matter, told McRaven at the meeting. “We want to be sure we get it right. I appreciate the way you’ve approached this and look forward to hearing from the task force later.”