UT is looking bad

…and I love it!!! Geaux Tigers!


Herman will kiss them on the mouth, and they will adjust



See if Herman can win with his own recruits now.



Pulling for the Tigers but doubt they’ll win.

Good night Tommy


Will Orlando be to Tom as Bush was to Tony and Mazzone continues to be to Kevin?

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UT will somehow remain in the top 25.

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If UH was ranked and lost to OU, I would expect to still be ranked. It’s when teams like Nebraska are ranked that you realize how arbitrary it is outside the top 4 or 5 until you get about 4 or 5 weeks into the season.


Why wouldn’t they? They went toe to toe with LSU

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That’s a given. I wouldn’t be surprised if they still get a lot of top 10 votes. My guess is #12 or 13. Writers will call it a quality loss. Than back in the top 10 after beating Rice by 4 TDs


I was certainly rooting for LSU, but regardless no one can deny that Texas has come a long ways since dumping Strong…Herman won here and he will be a big winner at UT…he recruits well, knows talent and has a great staff under him…I am expecting a tremendous game against OU…go Sooners…




horns football looking bad ?

they were a couple of feet away from their receiver getting the onside kick and possibly tying it up against LSU who looks like they can beat Bama this year.

I hate to say it, but if I have to be honest; I would take horns over OU this year in dallas and at minimum a NYE6 game

He did not recruit defensive talent well at UH at all - there a few but not many
Don’t say he got Ed because that is a Levine/Ed’s dad recruit.


Been hearing the promos where Herman says “We’re baaack” reminds of Jack Nicholson in the Shining


Not so fast my friend. Just because they can score a lot on UT doesn’t mean they can do the same on Bama. Just like UH is not going to hold Cincy down because OSU did. LSU gave up too many points to UT to make me believe they can stop Bama on offense.


Herman was a hot commodity while he was here and he was putting together a really good class up until he ran for the money…we had quite a few of his recruits go other schools after he left. We don’t even count Ed because he was a freak like we probably won’t see around here for a while.
I know Texas has all the money and all the resources and the political power, etc. but you might want to check out their classes since Herman has been there…

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Texas will get top recruits regardless. He just has to be able to make them play beyond themselves like he did here. I don’t know if that can happen there with the prima donnas they recruit.


According to my son, it was a typical Herman game. The team started slow and made the right adjustments at halftime.

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