Funny that they thought they’d be the Alphas in this new version of the Big 12 and they were horrible in football and were just ran off the court by the Coogs.
I’m sure the B1G has them on speed dial right now…
I love it even more because when I was studying for my BSEE there was a dude there that had started his biomed engineering degree at Utah but had to transfer to UH because of his wife’s job…
He used to talk so much sh1t about UH… Ha… i hope he was at the game last night!
Utah was still talking trash about us on their board yesterday. They talk trash about us the same way Texas Tech does.
“How does a school like Houston get a elite basketball program?”
Plus they have been a bunch of ingrates since Day 1. We should have left them in the Pac 12. BYU warned us but everyone thought they were just jealous.
Kinda fitting, given that they were the ones claiming that they were going to dominate this conference, that this was just a “truck stop” conference, and that they belonged in the B1G…yada, yada, yada.
They should have taken the ACC invitation when they were flirting about switching conferences before the start of last season and doing so with a ton of arrogance.
BYU people were right. The way they acted BEFORE a bid was unbelievable. Like they were superior to us and our league in every respect. and We should thank them for being willing to lower themselves and join our league. It has been great to see them drubbed in football and basketball in their first year. We should never have bid them. They are ingrates of the worst kind.
I doubt they’d be interested in playing for 1/4 or zero shares if they could get full shares in the Big 12.
They were never THAT desperate.
That said…if they were under the delusion that either a) they were going to come right in and dominate the Big 12, OR b) they were ever a serious B1G candidate…then they’re most likely having a PCP flashback.
What does it say about Utah, who felt they were too good for the Big12, picked in preseason to win the conference in football, and finished with a conference record of 2-7, and is currently 3-4 in conference basketball play? I think Utah has an over-inflated opinion of their ability and say what you want about the B10, but they made the right call by not extending an invitation to Utah to join their conference. Maybe a dose of reality will humble Utah, but I doubt it.
They are the flagship state university - analogous to UT-Austin. UU’s USNWR ranking (#136) is largely indistinguishable to UH’s (144) and their endowment is not significantly more (1.5 v 1.1 B) considering UU was founded in 1850 compared to UH (1927). There is no substantive reason for looking down their nose at UH other than empty hubris.
They are one of the most recent inductees (2019) - they would rank in most metrics essentially fourth in TX academically behind Rice, UT, A&M, and equal to UH.