Washington DC - New Name

Who is “you” and “they” in your posts?

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Admited where"
How many facilities can be re-engineered to host mental patients especially after the pandemic?
Trained mental professionals?
Do you think drug and alcohol addiction started in 2018? Ask the same question to “these trained mental health workers”
Jails are already well over capacity? The threat of going to jail will have an immediate impact. Statistics clearly show that is the case.
How does that solve the issue?
Do you think the exploding number of camps and new camps is a clear indication that these policies are a complete failure?
What DO YOU propose T-Moar?

Randy you mentioned -200k unsheltered homeless human beings in the US on any given night.
Do you think encouraging these tent camps will make matters better?

Incredibly expansive at a state and local level?
What kind of money do you think these cities are spending right now with what I mentioned?
Do you think distributing needles is the answer?
Do you think allowing shooting drugs in public is the answer?
Do you think skyrocketing burglaries in San Francisco is the answer?

Are we trying to promote to be a third world country? It sure looks that way. That in itself is inexcusable.
We all hear/read about cost associated with solving homelessness.
We all know that there is a mental National issue. This is not a left vs right issue. It is a societal issue that affects everyone or every family. The most logical response is to have a “real” National debate with a tax redistribution. We have countless of public programs that do nothing but cost tax payers. We have all read/heard about idiotic studies that cost hundreds yes hundreds of $M’s. This is where the d.c. swamp needs to be called out.
We are either going to help solve this National issue or keep putting our heads in the sand.
Is that in itself sustainable?

Not sure where that rhetorical question came from.

I’m pretty sure you know what I’m saying but I’ll say go further just in case. Your ideas above require individual action on 200K people and that’s just the first batch. That’s a lot of people and would require a lot of coordinated resources from the government. Likely starting at the federal level.

I’m game to start addressing this but not sure our country is. Just like most of our problems and this is one of many.

Good, when there is a will there is a way. Pushing the ball further like it does not exist or passing it to the next administration is what we have done. We spent $trillions on meaningless wars. The d.c. swamp kept these wars going by getting paid by contractors. This is the ugly truth that needs to be put to light. Again this is not one side or the other. It is valid for both.
I keep reading that we do not have the money. REALLY?
Let’s not kid ourselves. Congress members enter d.c. often with very little money. How do you think they leave as multi-millionaire?
An “outsider” any d.c. swamp outsider is the last thing that the swamp want. That I hope we can all agree on.

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Not getting pulled into any of that. This has already gone far enough off topic.

By reading this thread I discovered that the new name for D.C. is Homeless people in Austin.


I would return all land not federal enclave to the original states. Problem solved with no new states.


It’s an amazing drift isn’t it?

DC has the highest homeless rate in the country…if we are titling this back towards DC.

Wonder why?

If we want to tilt it even more on topic a homelessness issue is not grounds to deny full representation in the government to almost 3/4 of a million people.

I agree make them proud citizens of the state of Maryland.

DC local government authority is limited. Congress still exercises control over it in some ways and it has unique problems (read expensive) that other cities don’t, i.e, large security expenses. Maybe it it had full sovereignty, like other states, it could address some of its issues better.

If you want to hear what the Austin mayor has to say about this topic, he just talked about it at length:

Austin mayor speaks on struggle to fix homelessness at first-ever Midyear summit (americanbar.org)

I think DC rolling up under Maryland or Virginia (if that is what they want) is a good idea. A new state? No.

Austin homeless or DC homeless (if we don’t want to tilt the conversation away from DC) is a drug and alcohol issue primarily. There is a way to deal with that issue but it requires love and sternness. The people are there to help and absolutely can help but the addict/alcoholic has to be willing to do the work. If they are not willing to do the work, you have to have the courage and confidence to tell them move on. False compassion and giving them the right to poop anywhere isn’t going to fix the problem.

Austin messed up by doing away with the non camping ordinance. Addicts and alcoholics are liars and manipulators. That is what they do, that is what they know. Once they are healthy, they are wonderful people some of the best ever. They treat life like they were saved from a ship wreck. But until they are healthy they are the worst and anything you think you are doing for them, in a compassionate way, will be manipulated. Austin F’d up.

But that is the mindset, lets do something that looks caring even if it is counterproductive. Because we really don’t care one way or another.


robert reich?
robert reich?
yes robert reich?
The same individual advocating a universal basic income?
The same individual that has spent his entire life talking about economics, teaching economics, being part of various administrations and the same individual against freedom of speech?
This individual represents the scam that d.c, has become. He represents the swamp and what the swamp has to offer.
He has never worked in the private sector. He has no clue what a small to medium business owner has to do day after day to stay open.
These swamp creatures (he is one of many) have the cojones to tell you and I what is best for America. I am all for freedom of speech. I am against indoctrinating young students that have no clue what a business needs to survive. Small businesses made/make what America is all about. The swamp is the exact opposite of what these small businesses stands for.
The swamp keeps expanding because it promotes working for the public sector. They have two sayings in d.c,

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If the Houston area was a country it would be 10x larger than the country of Washington DC and growing much faster.

Washington DC is the size of El Paso for gosh sakes. Why not make El Paso a state?

roll it up under Maryland, if they want to be part of a state.

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Houston is the 5th largest metropolitan area in terms of population. DC is #6. Not that metropolitan area matters in this context.

I do agree that we shouldn’t make DC a state.

So there’s many things with DC Stathood to consider but mainly it’s the state sized population that has greatly reduced self-governance than not just other states but in comparison to other territories as well. The taxation without representation is incompatible with our democratic experiment and the situation gets more untenable decade by decade so something must be done.

What are our options? Plan A: Retrocede back into MD and/or VA. Neither Virginia or Maryland want to retrocede it back into their states nor do the people of DC want that. Option B: Constitutional Amendment to empower the Federal District. Change the Constitution to allow the federal district as currently existing to have congressional representation and self-autonomy equal to other states. Or Option C: Resize District and Create State. Shrink the federal district down to the Capitol, Supreme Court and White House Complexes and create a state out of the rest of the land area. This passes constitutional muster (there’s a max limit to a federal district but no minimum besides one must be created) and congressional precedent (Alexandria portion retroceded back to Virginia in the 1840s).

Options A & B are DOA. Only option C is viable, makes the people affected (those without empowered and equal representation) happy and honors our heritage and tradition of democracy. There’s really no good excuse to keep these fellow Americans unequal to the rest of us just because of where they live. It’s interesting how state capitols don’t need to disenfranchise the people of the city where the state government sits.

Your reasoning has no ends. The constitution is black and white and what the balance of power is. the swamp/d.c wants to make a Federal Republic into a centralized dictatorship. In many ways it already has accomplished its goal.
The real question that everybody should ask themselves is:
Why did America become its own country in the first place?
king george has been replaced by the d.c. swamp. There is no other ways to put it. This is not a party vs, another party.
The soviet union was a dictatorship centralized around the Kremlin. It had one major newspaper, The Pravda. Nobody was allowed to say/write negative things about the brutal regime. Does this start to ring a bell?
What is going on is extremely frightening.

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lol that’s just unhinged gobbledygook. We’re now Soviet Russia with only one newspaper? Tell that to the hundreds of newspapers, news publications and the more than a dozen news channels I get with my YoutubeTV subscription.