Washington DC - New Name

DC statehood is just gerrymandering by statehood. It won’t pass the senate.

If they want to roll up under Maryland…cool. Go ahead and pay Maryland state taxes. Otherwise it is doa.

As I said, if DC were 90% Republican instead of 90% Democrat, then there is NO WAY the Dems would have ever passed this bill, and they wouldn’t be making “taxation without representation” arguments to support it.

That should tell you all you need to know about the bill.

I agree…unlikely to make it past the Senate filibuster, and as such, very unlikely to pass the Senate. Most likely doa.

Yes have any of the leftist given thought to the fact that DC would have a state legislature that would have to be formed? Heck Marion Berry and his crack pipe could still have a political career.

It is doa. But somebody’s friend at a DC law firm got billable hours for drafting the bill. That is nice.

You can say Republicans are only opposing it because it votes 90% Democratic. Funny enough the local DC GOP generally support statehood. The politics of the matter are separate from the actual merits of Statehood and the lack thereof in keeping hundreds of thousands of Americans partially disenfranchised. The Federal District can be maintained without disenfranchising the people who live around it. As long as DC residents are subject to federal taxes without equal voting representation in the Congress that decides those taxes then it is out of step with our stated ideals about equality, democracy and self-governance.


Their legislature would just be an expanded city council, 21 members from their current 13, renamed the Legislative Assembly and operating unicamerally. DC Statehood has been proposed and studied for over 100 years. Lots of people have put in time and effort to develop how it would operate. It’s not some half-baked scheme. They’ve had drafts of state constitutions ready to go for over 50 years.

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But the crack pipe mayor…(did you hear that dog whistle?) When we could have skilled politicians like Freeze Em All and let God Sort it Out Abbott, Indicted Felon Ken Paxton, Lt. Kill the old people for the economy Patrick.


Well it is going to have to gather dust a little while longer. It is not passing the Senate.

Does these same pravda like(not good enough to be recycled toilet papers) publications seem to you that they are reporting facts or are they delivering propaganda to the masses? Do some research on the REVERED ny times. The same paper upon its creation and well after was a massive supporter to lenin and the soviet union. This ideology never left the paper and is entrenched in the paper’s dna. Look it up. It might take you a few minutes. You will all find it quite interesting.

Nothing says legit like look it up and do your own research

DC government collected $10.5 billion in revenue in fiscal year (FY) 2015. Local tax revenue totaled some $6.4 billion, and most of the rest was federal funding.

City revenue is about $15,000 per person