Watched cougarjim57’s grandson in action


I watched parts of the St. John’s v John Cooper game on YouTube, and this Perdue kid at QB for SJS is FOR REAL!!!

Truly looks like a man playing among boys. A real “triple threat” QB.

Wish he could play college football at one of my schools!

This year’s SJS v Kinkaid matchup is going to be one of the best ever!



Go Falcons !!!

And I hope Jim’s grandson has a magical season…
But that Kinkaid wins by 1…:smiley:

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It’s unlikely that SJS will match Kinkaid’s talent, which includes at least one Division I-FBS blue chipper.

However, on a perfect day, Perdue might be good enough to single-handedly carry SJS to an upset.


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Thanks Law for the compliments. Did you see number 23 return the punt? That freshmen has wheels.
It is a lot different watching a game when care about someone. Big shout out to all the family members that come here, especially Twinmom because that is rough. Every pass felt like it hanged in the air forever. My nephew also plays full out and must have flipped over tacklers three or four times.

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It’s difficult to find pleasures when you find yourself 82 years old retired from trial practice and teaching, downsized, dealing with a world wide pandemic and with limited mobility. But I can always find great pleasures in following my beloved Cougar football team and exchanging ideas with others I have met and known and so many I haven’t on this board.
This year I will be filling my void with a special pleasure of watching my grandson in his senior year at SJS. As noted by my good friends Ryon and Kendal he is a talented athlete, exceptional leader on the field and I might add a gifted student. It seems like such a short time ago I was playing with John and his older brother on the floor of my home.
There are other posters who have stories similar to mine and appreciate your indulgence in this occasional detour as we gear up for what I believe will be an outstanding year for our Coogs.


No indulgence needed. Great memories watching my son play in the SPC against y’all’s teams and then on to college. Every play is special!

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I haven’t kept up with SJS football much since I graduated back in 1990, but with a player this special, I’ll need to pay a little more attention than normal.

This year, I might even attend what would be only the second Kinkaid game I’ve made since HS.


I played FB, Basketball and Track at Kinkaid (76). Then I went to all the games when my kids were at Kinkaid (03 and 05)…haven’t been back since for games much…
As I reside now in Florida, won’t be there, but always a Falcon😃

I still attend 2 to 3 games a year. Lots of fun, especially the rivalry games. The quality of the football is vastly improved from just 10 years ago.

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