Wazzu and OSU have some life again

The Washington Supreme Ct declined to overturn the trial court’s injunction in their favor, so they will now control all PAC assets until the case is over.

Looks like a settlement is in order.


What about Washington cfp money? That goes to the PAC.

Not sure about that.


looks like it goes to the conferences.

Of note:

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Heaven help ‘em.

What a step DOWN in nearly every sport!

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The WCC’s best team has been better than the Pac’s best team most years over the last decade and the second best team has been far behind the Pac’s second best team.

It’s a Gonzaga show in basketball.

In all other sports, it’s nowhere close to the PAC in quality.

True but the revenue sport (no -s because they won’t be playing in the conference in football) carries the day and brings in much of the revenue. Gonzaga and St. Mary’s make it a very viable conference. The Pac was similarly carried by UCLA and Arizona in basketball (who have fewer Final Four appearances recently than Gonzaga).

Is it over or is this a burner account?


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Should be fun for a while

They can massage their rankings in the g5. Other than the obvious money issues there are some benefits to being g5. You can hang banners easier, have a better record easier, and probably be ranked higher easier.