WE can still make it to the conference championship

We have to win the next two games. Temple and Tulane. Do that and we are likely in. We can afford a loss to Memphis if SMU loses one more game. Memphis can win the east if we lose two and they beat SMU and lose no more games as they will have the tiebreaker against both UH and SMU. So for those of you who want to stay home, Please don’t, the team needs all the support it can get against two teams who are strong running teams against what is without Big Ed our greatest weakness the run game.


Hopefully SMU was the wake up call to finish strong. It will be interesting to see the homecoming crowd on Saturday. It’s a night game so that is supposed to be the prime time for fan attendance. Accuweather predicting Hi 64 and Lo 53 with no rain. Losing to SMU no doubt knocked off some bandwagon fans (and maybe some self-proclaimed diehards). Not sure what the students will bring. Definitely need this W.

Hard to believe I will have to root for Memphis to BEAT SMU to help the Coogs. I always thought it would be the opposite. SMU’s other two games? @ Tulsa and @ UConn…c’mon Memphis.

Ya Woo Cougar Football, anyone?

We’ll be there.

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SMU gets Memphis at home. I think they have a more favorable path to winning the next 3 than we do.

I think Memphis will destroy SMU and won’t care what defense they run. They are just better coached than our team. I can’t see SMU upseting them.

Let’s not forget about Tulane as well. 2 AAC losses and have ECU, @ UH and Navy to close out the season. The last three games for UH became very big.

Do you think SMU will beat Memphis? UH needs Memphis to beat Tulsa in Memphis this coming weekend to keep the Memphis hopes alive and provide motivation to beat SMU on the road. I think Memphis beats SMU if Memphis beats Tulsa but I am not sure if I will go as far as the ESPN FPI with Memphis as heavy favorite to win (70%).

Here is the way I see it. Our destiny is still in our hands. Win these three and we are in. Our division is not good. If we lose one more, back our way into a championship game and then lose to UCF or Cincy, I won’t be celebrating the 9-4 record.

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It’s over haven’t you heard? :grinning: We just need to win out.

If we can’t win our division this year there are serious problems on Cullen. Big picture, if we don’t go 3-0 to finish the season I’d rather just go 0-3 so there is no ambiguity on where we are at. I want better for this school and the remarkable young men that play for us.

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I’ll never support losing to anybody or for any reason. Definitely a contradiction of your last statement.

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It’s no more a contradiction than the act of ripping a band-aid off making the removal less painful. He said he wants us to go 3-0 and win our division. That is first and foremost.

If we lose one or two more, changing defensive coordinators becomes a stop gap. Next year, we are replacing Texas Tech, Arizona, Rice, USF and Temple with Oklahoma, Washington State, North Texas, UCF and Cincy.

Maybe the SMU game was a hiccup. Maybe it was a sign of things to come. The next 3 weeks the picture will be much clearer.

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This is always the first main objective of the season. Who cares what meaningless bowl game we play in? BTW, we are still the favorites to play in the AAC championship with a shot at the crown. A 10 win regular season is also still in play. Go Coogs!


I hate to be a Debbie downer but with the loss to SMU winning the West is now a bit harder than it was Friday. If SMU wins out and we lose one game they go to the championship. Guess who has the easier schedule?

I agree.

Everyone we’ve played has given us at least some problems. The one consistency is we’ve dominated no one on defense. That would be problematic this late in a p5 conference. It is wholly unsettling in the AAC.

We should worry about every remaining game. As if worrying helps. Lol

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Personally I am going to adjust my expectations to be more realistic.

The reality is the money behind college football has no reason to include us in their party. Unless we have something that is equal to or greater in value than what they lose monetarily to include us in the so called p5 conferences, it just won’t happen.

As long as it doesn’t happen we are going to have coaches stolen, 4&5 star recruits snub us, and meaningless bowl games. The same is true for all teams in our conference as well as the other g5 conferences.

My new expectation is just to win the conference championship each year. If not, then the season is over at that point and If we get a bowl in any year it will need to be in a good location with a good opponent to get my attention.

Setting expectations too high (we can get a ny6 each year, we can keep good coaches forever, we will gain respect from p5 teams and the cfp, etc.) is setting oneself up for disappointment and failure.

If we go to the CCG then great, I will consider the season a success regardless of ranking by a politicized and greedy committee. I will have no interest in going to or watching a bowl game played against a C-USA or other such opponents in some no where city. To me that is like agreeing to be a participant in a farce system that expects us to keep playing for the crumbs they provide.


I totally get your point, but here is the catch 22. UH needs all of our support at every game. When (not if) the next wave of realignment comes around we don’t want to be left out again. That means going to every regular season game, watching every game on TV, and going to bowl games no matter where and who we play. I know personal budgets get tight around the holiday season so the last part may be tough for a lot of people including me. The last thing we need is throwing our hands up and saying this is our lot in life and there is nothing we can do.

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…I care about the meaningless bowl game we play in…

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Before we can win a conference championship, we must win the West. Looking at the schedules:

Tulane is heavily favored to beat ECU and Navy at home. So Houston must beat Tulane at TDECU a week from Thursday. If Tulane wins out, Houston is eliminated.

SMU has a more difficult schedule. They are heavily favored to beat UConn on the road next week, but finish with a couple of coin flip games: home vs Memphis and at Tulsa.

Houston controls its destiny. Win out, and we win the west. We can lose a game and still win the West if:

  1. that loss is NOT against Tulane, and
  2. SMU loses one more game

If we go 1-2 down the stretch, however, it gets very complicated (and only if Tulane is the win and SMU drops at least one game). Likely a three-way tie at 5-3 with Houston, Tulane and either SMU or Memphis, and I don’t know how it would be resolved.


yeah, but it was in our grasp and our silly coaches that are out for themselves, didn’t care to prepare our kids for a key game…they get paid regardless…I don’t prepare for a meeting, that is probably a job loss for me…

I am not suggesting not going to games or not watching our away games on tv if I cant make the trip. I totally support our team and have since I enrolled in 1972.
That is not my point. My point is getting worked up over hoping to get an invite to something that remains consistently out of reach. The truth is the ones that can make the decision to invite us to a better conference have no reason to do so. It is not a question of giving up, it is the question of what is realistic. You speak of conference realignment like it is a given. It isn’t. And even if it happened, we still have to hope we are asked.

The truth of the matter is our best years past and future are not good enough to get into the cfp. Our sos will always hamstring us just like it did and still does to UCF. Our best hope is to play in ONE bowl game that has an element of prestige or meaning. No one cares much about any bowl games beyond the NY6 games anyway. If I were a student athlete with an opportunity to play at the next level there is no way I would take a chance on an injury just to play in the Whocares Bowl.