We need more true fans like this gentleman

I think if UH athletic programs win like the basketball team, track team, etc, we may get more of these type of fans.


Thatā€™s awesome!


#forthecity The entire city.


Iā€™m 57, native Houstonian and season ticket holder for 5 years and counting! I didnā€™t attend UH but Iā€™ve followed Cougar Basketball since the ā€œBig Bunchā€ of the early 70ā€™s! Iā€™m a diehard Coogfan til the day I die! Win or Lose! #GoCoogs!


Absolutely correct. All Cougar fans are greatly appreciated. The more, the merrier!


Thatā€™s awesome! Donā€™t let anybody tell you otherwise!


I sat by this guy during the Ga State game. Very cool guy and knew his cougar basketball!


I never could figure out why if you were raised in the greater Houston area why you wouldnā€™t cheer for the hometown team? Itā€™s always baffled me. I remember my friends always talking about TU or gAggies and Iā€™m like UH is right down the street!


You are similar to me. Went to my first basketball game as a young kid in ā€˜68ā€™ at Delmar Fieldhouse to watch Hayes,Spain,Chaney etc. Have 3 siblings that are UH Grads but they are pretty much like tens of thousands of UH Grads that live in HouMetro, but they donā€™t attend any UH Athletics events. Actually was going to UH but changed my mind for several reasons about a month before my Freshmen year and went to SHSUā€“Alum. Been going to UH games on my own for over 40+ years. Proud of both schools ā€“ one that many people assume I attended and one that I actually attended and got degree from. I think there are more like us but donā€™t always disclose their story. #EatEmUpKats #GoCoogs


Our goal is to get UH alums to start coming back to games. Wā€™re working on it!


Thank you immensely to Mark Berman for bringing this story. There is always been a ā€œHouston nativeā€ fan for U of H. This is for our A.D., ticketing & marketing department to nurture, develop and make sure this is no longer ignored. There is always an ā€œhiddenā€ potential in a metropolitan area. Given the size and the potential of the greater Houston area should look closely at what Mr. Johnny Robinson represents. Thank you again Mr. Berman.


Iā€™ll admit, Iā€™m not a UH grad. My parents both were, but I was an idiot when I was little and decided to leave Houston and ended up at Oklahoma State. Learned that living in Stillwater sucked and came home before the semester was over. Enrolled at UH, lasted a year, and started working for awhile. Decided I needed to leave Houston again and ended up at Arizona State where I worked 5 days a week and took 4 classes the other 2 days. Got lonely, met my future wife, and decided to go in that direction instead. The next February, I enlisted in the Air Force and was in Basic Training right before my 21st birthday (celebrated it 10 days into basic training). Even afterwards, I always supported the Coogs from afar. In 2009, I went to the Armed Forces Bowl with UH gear on (wasnā€™t an officer so had no problems beating Air Force that year). When I finally got stationed in San Antonio in 2010, I started coming home for the football games on the weekends. In 2015, when I suffered my back injury, I needed something to do with my time and so I threw myself into UH and started posting heavily on Coogfans. After I was medically retired, we moved back to Houston and I try to attend every sporting event, contribute to Cougar Pride, and still support UH as much as I can.

I do have a bachelorā€™s from Bellevue University up in Nebraska because thatā€™s where I was stationed at the time. I also have a Masters from Colorado Technical University because I could do it online. However, I have always wanted to go back to UH. Iā€™m actually trying to get back in and work on a new degree as I want to go in a different direction with my life now that Iā€™m not as mobile. Should be enrolling in the fall (fingers crossed).


Good luck in your new endeavor.


Iā€™m another fan whoā€™s a non-UH grad (unless we count UH Clear Lake, where I received a teaching certificate), but grew up in Houston. My father was a graduate of UH, and I have been a fan for a long time. My first UH memory is attending the '74 Bluebonnet Bowl. Even when attending college at Baylor, I followed UH very closely.

I agree with the ā€œHouston nativeā€ fan aspect. I will always follow UH, and am certainly enjoying the current NCAA run. The future is very bright, not just for basketball, but in many other areas for the University of Houston. Go Coogs!


Good luck on your new journey. It is safe to say that all of coogfans has your back.


Make it official Patrick. You/It show(s) to every Coog fan or Alum how much you can be engaged. The greater Houston area is unique. Our potential is unique. I keep writing this over and over again but imo it is imperative that the Bauer School gets involved into ā€œsellingā€ our brand. A business course promoting & creating ways to have a better attendance/following only makes perfect sense. When is this going to happen?


Its not just greater Houston UH fans to nurtureā€¦I grew up attending UH games with both my parents and their 14 or so fellow 1950s era grads; Cotton Bowls, Final Fours, etc. Mom was an alumni president with 4 kids in tow. I went to school out east and at Baylor, but have never been anything but 110% Cougar! Now in the SFbay area, I still rep the Coogs. We are out there in larger # than thought. Online Ticket Info is like pulling teeth! Simple things like info about events in the area, local pep groups, ways to be more connected would be a big help to building Coog Nation!


This is awesomeā€¦ rock on Patrick!


Oh manā€¦ That was an awesome interview. Brought tears to my eyes. Our fan base is growing exponentially fast. This is why CKS canā€™t walk away from something heā€™s work hard for, building the fan base back up again. Season tickets will fly through the roof for next season. Money wonā€™t be an issue.


If he was a Texas or A&M fan heā€™d be called a T-shirt fan.

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