Week 14 - 2023 Conference Championship Weekend

Gang, lady Coogs were down 0-2 to #1 Stanford in the second round. They’ve tied it up and are heading to a 5th set.


FSU defense great tonight but Plummer ? How do you not see him ?

I get it. Most from SWC era feel the same.
I’m from early Briles era. My Bonghorn dislike is in the big picture.

If you don’t go back to those days…why leave that $ on the table ?
UH Volleyball coach due a raise, etc

On that topic.
Alot of Texas T-shirts came out from under the Bowling bag today.
Vince Young to Colt McCoy era vintage.

lol some in this fan base, hopes we lose and hopes we don’t get subsidized?! I think I prefer T-shirt fans now

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So how is horn and bama left out. Both Michigan and fla state need to win?

Pretty much. Hard to leave FSU out when they’ve gone 12-0 and would win their conference championship with a 3rd string QB.

Even though they’ll get beat by whoever they play, winning the games has to matter at some point. I think that’s why they’re in if they win


That would place Georgia at 4, not gonna happen

its either bama or horns

I love this take haha


FSU found something up the gut.
Close it out.

Troy Wins 2 Sunbelts in a row. 8 total.
Troy v JMU would have been better.

in the hands of the committee. I think Horns should get it in my two cents

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I’m actually frustrated I watched this LVille/FSU game. FSU’s defense was good, but the Cardinal’s offense was so pathetic. The QB just looked dead inside and his line was giving him nothing.

FSU is in.

Bama is out.

UT is in, due to win over Bama.

Michigan is first.

Washington is in.

So, what do we have at this time with present scores …

Fla State
One of…bama-horn-dawgs

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Who had the 6-6 square in the ACC Champ game?

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All the tv announcers are yearning to put the cows in because they had a favorable schedule this year in a down year for the Big 12. I guess all of the ut fans on this board are happy.

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They can’t leave the SEC out of the playoffs. Fourth spot will be Bama.

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That FSU defense is too hard to ignore, they gotta get in

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Add Mike Norvell as another coach who only knows winning. Builds up a winning culture in few years and that’s it.

  1. Michigan
  2. Washington
  3. Florida State
  4. Alabama - they knocked off the number 1 team in the SEC Championship game. Gotta count that more than early season loss to UT when they were breaking in a new QB.

I don’t get people saying FSU isn’t in. They are undefeated in a P5. Did you see that defense? They are not getting left out.

Committee might go Texas over Alabama. I think that is a mistake though.

Georgia out.


I agree those are the four. I will not be surprised Alabama again wins. Florida State without the QB injury would have won. Their defense is phenomenal. I will dream to see a defense like that in Houston ever. I hope Fritz creates the best defense that can be created.


Exactly, can’t leave SEC school out

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Coach Brohm is an offensive genius and Florida State defense stifled such an offensive mind. That’s how I would love to see it done in Houston.