What is missing in our offense?

Why don’t we start with the following stats:
Now compare it to:

Why do we have TE’s?
Last week? One TE catch.
Maybe CDH did not want to open the playbook?(sarcasm)
Eh…is there a playbook?(sarcasm)


We should run the ball a lot more. The pieces are there to be prolific in the running game. I know that sounds odd to us folks so used to airing it out. But I see our running game being top notch if we commit to it.

Johnson has more drops than catches

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Correct me if I am wrong I was under the impression that CDH wanted his TE’s to be more involved. What happened?

Sammy is the only one on the sidelines that I saw that he was upset at how the game was going. We need more Sammys.

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I was thinking the same thing. Is there a tight end in this offense except to block? What does that tell us about the OL?

TEs are rarely the primary target except in red zone. In our case we have a QB who doesn’t look much past the primary target.


True. Thats why the sideline screens don’t work. The dbs get there before the ball gets there.

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Rarely needs to change and change fast. I would expect our OL to be more effective with the monstrous TE’s that we have. Instead we are getting manhandled and can rarely run the ball. The sign of a good coach as you know Chis is to have a balanced offense. We have neither right now.

Yep great solution just keep running it up the middle over and over into a brick wall no thanks that’s what I’ve been seeing the last few years we ain’t SEC caliber running team


I actually like the “student body left” and “student body right” QB keepers with Smith.

Keep running that.

And yes, with tall targets like O’Laughlin and Byrnes, we do need to throw to the TEs more.

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I will add to our QB not looking past its primary target is 100% coaching. That is on CDH. That alone…


It was running the ball that got us back into the game. The potential is there. The OL is bigger and more experienced. The RBs can get it done.

Valid point. But when we’re down 28-0, we can’t run it like we should .

They were barely running it. That was the big play calling mistake in first half. Way too many passing plays.

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If Dana is committed to power football and eating the clock, which is a totally legit coaching and program strategy, then the staff should put a majority of this recruiting and portal focus on the O-Line and TE’s. And it seems like we have TE’s on the roster.

Can’t move or catch the ball if the O-Line can’t keep the play alive long enough to execute, with the occasional big man running a run route or cross route for a quick 7-8 yards. Big time, Big XII football needs big time, big men.


Tell that to the teams that constantly use TEs at every chance to cook Belk’s defense.

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As Al Davis used to say “Go Vertical”. Smith was using a lot of WR screens and dink passes. I would like to see a tight end every now and then and some zone routes upfield, which Rice had a field day with.

Rice had a field day throwing the ball because of the huge cushion out DB’s were giving them.