What's the future for Tune?

I just don’t see him being the future of UH football

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He needs to learn not force throws into double or triple coverage. I like his mobility and size and arm strength, but if he keeps making bad decisions with the ball, someone else will het a shot.

And then there is pocket presence. I know many times on some strip sacks and sack-fumbles he had virtually no protection. He needs to learn how to deal with that and hold on to the ball.

Bright !


Look again. I think he will do very well. Most QB’s don’t look as good when running for their lives on almost every play. Also, when they aren’t always in a desparate mode to try to score, they don’t try to force as much.


Red shirt next year and he will be in the mix for starting the following year…

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Tune started 7 games, played injured in some of them, had a mix 'n match offensive line, had a mix 'n match assortment of running backs, completed almost 60% of his passes, and he was just a sophomore.

Is that good enough to earn him a shot at “the future”? I’d say yes. Other than D’Eriq King, also known as Mister Touchdown, who does “the future” have that’s better than Tune?


Maybe I watched a different player but I saw the arm and mobility. He has all the tools.

Is he the QB like Case and GW who you were confident they would lead you on a game winning drive? Haven’t seen that yet but he was just a true Soph who has had to learn two systems in two years. Both years under very difficult circumstances.


You either got it or you don’t. He don’t. If he’s the starter we’re not winning big games.


I think it is a little early with that assessment.


Feel free to title a thread “eat crow Dan” the day after Tune beats Cincy, Memphis, or UCF. I’ll wait. If Tune entered the transfer portal tomorrow I would not be sad. It would mean CDH gets to find a guy he chooses. All dependent on King of course.


Dec 14 coming soon, see what happens with Briles, if King is leaving, we will know soon

The dream would be for DK to return next year and light it up. Hopefully learning the system and fully recovered from his 2018 injury. Tune RS '20 and returns '21 and tears it up. Lets hope CDH and crew bring in some hogs up front or it’s not going to matter much who the QB is


Coogfans: 2020 is going to be great.

Also Coogfans: Let’s make sure we keep all the players from a 4-8 team. Since they’re a year older that means they’ll be really good.


If he can redshirt next year, future is very good imho.

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I saw more positives than negatives with Tune. Good arm and pretty mobile. He forced a lot of throws due to the lack of protection and the fear of being pummeled to the ground as a result of having to run for his life and worrying about not having enough time to throw the ball to his receivers before he gets hit!

He is no where near as mobile as King, but judging by King’s throwing this year he is actually an upgrade to King in throwing the football! I bet even if we have Tom Brady playing for our team this year he wouldn’t be able to play any better than Tune! In fact, I think Brady would do worse and he would hear from the same Coogs fans that criticized Tune that he is trash! A QB can only play to his potential if he has a bunch of great blockers doing their jobs to make him look good!


Not really true. The past two years, between his passing and running…King way out paces Tune. Go watch youtube. King is a beast when he is on line. Not even close.

Heisman Trophy. Bank on it!:sunglasses:


And 2022. Brady White of Memphis is 23 and has 2 more years according to TV today.

That What CDH is talking about with red shifting. We need older, seasoned player, 22-23 years old as seniors. We start seeing that regularly and it will make a huge difference.

Tune is Postma 2.0

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Nope. Piland. Crawford was so much better, but the coaches decided otherwise…
And the results speak for themselves…Worst QB choice that I can remember. Yes, even worse than O’Korn.
BTW: that is why Levine is no longer coach here…