Who is going to the bowl game?

I am torn between going to B’ham bowl or staying for basketball game. I’ve already decided that whether I can afford it or not is irrelevant; I do lot’s of stuff I shouldn’t cost wise. I am pretty sure the basketball game will have a great crowd and I know folks I can give my tickets to.

On the other hand, we need to support our Coogs in bowl games – and road games in general. I already feel bad I wasn’t there for them in Cincinnati. So who is going to the game?


Im sitting this one out, won’t be able to get time off

I’m trying, but it’s both difficult and expensive to get there during Christmas week. Airlines are really putting it to travelers this year.


If I go, I will drive. I would probably spend Monday night in Meridian, MS and drive to game Tuesday morning and then back to Meridian after the game. I would drive back to Houston on Wednesday. My bride already said she isn’t going, but I went to the last one there without her.


Bowl game. No brainer. The basketball games will be there every week but that is the only football game for us till next sept.


Yes they are! We already had plans to visit Derek’s twin at Ft Bragg for Christmas when the bowl confirmation came out. Tickets are almost triple the usual amount at the holidays. Ridiculous! We even purchased early.


Bowl game


I am heading to Fort Worth. Daughter asked me to take her to her bowl game (Mizzou kid). Parenting decisionsmale me less selfish these days.

Second bowl game I have traveled to that does not have UH (Sugar Bowl with Michigan/Va Tech was the other).

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My wife has a former student who is graduating from Mizzou this year, so we may be going to this bowl game as well.


I have a friend in Huntsville, AL. I might offer to pay for his family to go to the game if they wear red in lieu of me going


My brother in law and I are going! Should be a good time


Going, hoping for better results than our last trip to B-ham


I was there against Vandy, too… We had a pretty good turnout that year.

Don’t know yet about Birmingham… It’s only 8 hours from my house in NC so I’ll probably be there.


I put my order in for tickets last night. The ECC family will be there.


Have to miss this one due to surgery this week. Poor planning on my part. Would have been another bowl memory which started with our first SWC Cotton Bowl.

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I think I’ll enjoy this one from afar!

I was just “ allowed” a kitchen pass to go to Vegas for basketball….
I mentioned the game right after Birmingham Bowl was confirmed…… the look I got said it all…. Not getting out of family ski trip.

Tv for me

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I’m going! Got a fairly cheap flight from Orlando. This will be my 2nd time seeing football live this season. Drove to the USF game in Tampa.