Who is Left on the D-Line?

If no one can come back from injuries sustained vs Memphis or before, I count

Taj Brown and Noah Jones haven’t played this year that I remember so maybe they get some time. Looks really thin.

According to the Bowl Guide: 2018 Armed Forces Bowl Guide (PDF) - University of Houston Athletics

Hall, Fleming, Vaughan will start. Brown, Smith, and Young are the 2’s. I imagine we’ll see a lot of all 6, among others, tomorrow.

We’ll also have a “new” DC out there who’s had a few practices before the bowl. I wouldn’t be surprised if we gave some different looks than we have all season.

However, don’t be surprised if the depth chart is wrong. Isaiah Johnson is still listed at CB as is Dormady as the backup QB.

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With the extra practice time even a chance they could flip someone from OL over to DL like they have every few offseasons.

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You can’t rely on that, it’s like the game notes; not kept up to date and seems to be based on wishful thinking. It showed Oliver as starting every game, which he obviously didn’t.

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Do we get any wrs or rbs back for the bowl?

5 on the line please. 2 LBs is fine but 5 on the line.


I agree. With the offense Army runs we would be better off spreading it out.

I think Williams is still out at RB, but Car came back and ran quite a bit during the Memphis game. Expect Carr and Car to get the majority of the carries at RB today.

For WR, Corbin was back for Memphis so the only real question mark was Lark. I haven’t heard anything about whether he’ll be back or not, or really anything at all other than his initial injury looked better than what it looked like on the field. I’d be surprised if he played the bowl to be honest; rather him healthy and ready to go for the spring. We’ve got enough depth at WR to cover for his absence.

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