Who is the new QB going to be?

Now you’re talking. Holgo can only play in 3 more games. Maybe he plays 5 total and red-shirts next year or maybe Ike gets a game.

That’s a little harsh, I think. Let’s give this some time before getting this judgmental.

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we need our team to continue to fight…

You are 100% correct. People are in full panic mode because King and Corbin have checked out (at least for the time being); we still have EVERYTHING ELSE in front of us. That’s including opportunities to improve and surprise. That’s also including everything else we’ve done well without the aforementioned individuals.

Tune just needs to be comparable to King’s output. People are severely downplaying that and are in for a surprise. This kid had offers from Ole Miss, UCF, Kansas and the air raid team we face this weekend. He’s going to be ok!


I totally am on board with this. If we are going to have a “bad” season, might as well have a purpose too. The problem I see is trying to save the OL. Pass D would suffer immensely and that would hurt Tunes chances of developing meaningful playing experience. It seems like coach is trying to red shirt Bardwell as I haven’t seen him since PV. I didn’t check the gamebook so maybe I just missed him.

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I don’t think that many people are panicking. If they are, they are the ones who thought we were going to have 8+ wins this year. We are on the same trajectory as we were since the beginning of the season.

PollyAnna much ??!

I don’t see 8 wins. I did the beginning of the year, but now I see 5 as shaky possibility. I hope our players have high GPA’s ! :joy:

Who do you think our only other win will be against?

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UConn is my best guess. Going down the list, that’s the only one I think we will be favored. As reported, the line for UNT shifted with the King news and for good reason. Tulsa MAY be another one, but they are looking decent this year. SMU is much improved.

On a side note, people act like that because we are Vegas dogs if Holgo doesn’t win them, then no big deal. Odds are dynamic. We are underdogs, not because we don’t have the talent, but because of the way we have been playing. The odds are a reflection of what Vegas thinks our team and staff are capable of.


Agreed, we have been playing rather poor but there are some teams on this schedule that haven’t been playing as good as our undefeated first halves (Tulsa, Navy, Uconn). lol

A win this weekend, does that change your predictions much or will you maintain the same outlook?

A win would totally change my outlook, but a win against UNT will only change it to maybe one or two more wins. Win against Cincy, now we are talking a different ballgame. My seasonal outlook is also dynamic.

Look, people have bashed me as a Holgo hater (I don’t hate him, I just think he is an average coach; a very well paid average coach); they have bashed me as not supporting the team, because I don’t love everything that Holgo does and don’t believe his farts smell like roses; they bash me for not hating everything that is Applewhite, because I don’t believe it’s all his fault and that none of this would have happened if it wasn’t for that dang Whorn…

What really is happening in my view is I simply see a trajectory for this team right now, and it ain’t up. I don’t like the approach this staff is taking towards the players or the program. Could it work out? Yes, and I sure hope so, because can you really stomach another two and a half years of this? I probably can, but would prefer to have seen at least a respectable team fielded this year (hasn’t happened), a contender next year (don’t see it happening), and a champion the year after.

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If Tune can pass better than King I still think we have the talent to beat UNT, UC, UConn, Tulsa, an Navy.
Our problem now is more psychological than talent. Will we win those games? Not all but talent wise, I think we match up. UC is a stretch, I admit, and Tulsa up there is problematic. Navy, Triple O is always tough and I think if we lose that game it will be through the air. I don’t know if folks paid much attention to Charles-Pierre vs Tulane, but he can bull rush well and clog up the middle nicely. He may never get a QB sack or hurry but he can stuff the run.
If Tune is a 50% passer and can’t hit the long ball and receivers keep dropping balls that hit their hands, then, yes, we maybe beat UNT and still beat UConn.


Interesting take. I think (and back to the original premise) we will go as far as Tune will take us. If he wins 4 games straight, I don’t think he needs to redshirt. I think we need to make him the starter and see where this takes us (win some games and continue his development). If King does come back next year, he better be ready for a battle. If he doesn’t, coaches should have a large enough sample size to know if Tune is the guy or look for a Grad transfer. I don’t care what anybody says; if Tune wins this game with so short of amount of time to prepare, then he’s our guy! That shows he can operate in a pinch, and is clutch enough to trust.

Go Coogs! Beat those bitter chickens!


To be fair, you have no idea what his farts smell like. Pure conjecture. If it’s not pure conjecture, we may have more serious issues to consider.

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They smell like Red Bull


C’mon Coogs we just need 4 more and some open bowl slots! :joy:


The good thing for Tune is he gets a couple of extra days to practice with the ones, and an extra week to prepare for Cincy. He will get his shot, that’s for sure. Up to the coaches to prepare him.

If this whole King thing was going to happen, this was the time for it to happen. Obviously, with the four game rule, but also with the schedule being what it is.


Sugar coat it if you wish; but isn’t that what he has done? He’s packed it in. A rose by any other name is still a rose – same goes for thorns. I am just stating my honest, unvarnished opinion here and if it sounds harsh, then so be it. Next fall, if he is back leading the Coogs on the field, I will eat my words, but I just don’t think he will be here. If you do, that’s OK, we all can only think what we think.


Part of me is excited to see what Tune can do in this offense, but the other part of me wonders if the OL will be good enough to give him a puncher’s chance. King was able to keep a lot of plays alive because of his legs. It was his inaccuracy that killed him this year. I don’t think Tune is a statue, but I think it’s safe to say he’s not in the same stratosphere as King when it comes to running. To be successful, CDH is either going to have to reduce the amount of reads Tune has to make, or Tune is going to have to be much better than King at reading coverages and getting the ball out quickly and accurately.


Tune drops it in the bucket. He also had a similar pass early versus Memphis last year.:eyes:


First play of the highlights, Tune with another good deep ball on the money.

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