Why is our game scheduled for so late?!?

10:00 pm ET tipoff for a game not being played on the west coast is absurd. Have the TV executives decided it’s the least interesting matchup?

First game starts at 6. Have to have a gap in between. I’m sure they’re not starting first game until 6 to maximize TV ratings. 1 seed in region gets to play first for more rest before Sunday’s Elite 8 game.

Gives Arkansas plenty of time to get their private plane to Kansas City. After all, that little single engine plane can’t go very fast.


From northern Arkansas? They would drive an hour and a half at most.

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No clue. But it certainly gives UK’s injured star the maximum recovery time before they have to play.

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There’s more population east than west, so wouldn’t it make more sense for the first game to start at 4:00 or 5:00 ET to maximize TV exposure of all games?

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I like it…gives me plenty of time to get off work go home and catch the game at the bar with friends lol! Plus we’ll be the last game playing on air.


Gives the West Coast a chance to watch the game at a decent hour…


They are trying to squeeze all games into each evening. This isn’t college football and most games end in about 2 hours or a little less. So a 9pm start time in basketball isn’t much different than a 7:30pm start time in football. There is no conspiracy here. If staying up until 11pm watching a “playoff” game puts a kink in your affairs, you are in a very small minority of sports fans and not a concern to the advertisers.


I don’t think it’s conspiracy, but rather folly. Also, if the game starts at 10:00, I certainly won’t be in bed at 11:00 like those of you on CT will be.

OK Let’s go with midnight. You are on the east coast. Is this the only sport you watch? I’m 100% sure the NFL, NBA and college football regularly have games end past midnight eastern time.

Also, I can’t think of the last time I’ve ever been in bed before midnight on a Friday night unless I had a fishing trip planned at 5am the next morning.

Prime time starts at 7 edt and 6 cdt. A 6pm cdt start does give max exposure on the east coast.

Same start times for the games tonight and tomorrow. 6:09 CBS, 6:29 TBS, 8:39 CBS and 8:57 TBS.


A rare shared opinion. I’m with you on this one.

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All about ratings. Way more people will be willing to watch a game that starts at 9 and ends at 11 on a Friday night than those that will be home at let’s say 5, to catch the start of the first game if they were to move it up an hour.

Pac12 put in a request for our game to start late so West Coast folks can watch their future conference mate.


That’s what I was thinking too. It’s the perfect time for PAC fans to cheer for us.

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works for me too, will barely be home before 9 Friday; if it gets pushed back to 9:30 that’s better for me.

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I have a feeling it will get pushed back atleat 20 minutes.

It’s just the tournament trying to screw us.