Women’s Chalk Talk Scheduled


Let’s go women, time to get your game face on!


Many player moms (Tune, Freeman, Compton, etc ) have participated multiple times as well as many others. Year after Covid saw almost 200 ladies. It’s a blast! Get the word out


I think they shouldn’t limit this to just women…

There are many students, of both sexes, at UH that might be fans if they knew more about the game…

It’s great that they have the women’s chalk talk. However, I think it would be beneficial to have one for men as well. We don’t all know the intricacies of some of the systems and schemes. Many plays appear to be the same on the surface, but have differences we miss that are going on while we are following the ball. I have only been following football for 70 or so years and I am sure there’s a lot I still miss.

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The whole stadium would go. But I agree they should have one for men.

I think they should host this for international students as well to get them on board to support the team.


International women are welcome, just keep it at “women’s” chalk talk for mom’s and wives to have a good time. Women want to know what their husbands are talking about but I bet Twin Mom knows more football than most guys on this board.


I would have a separate men’s chalk talk.

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Thanks :blush:

That bar is way too low.