
Can’t say I’m surprised :smirk:


Can’t have folks forming a consensus agreement.


Hadn’t checked in about hour or so, why did it come down.

Edit: i thought people were being civil w ea other from what i saw. :thinking:


Maybe a lock but a straight up delete is surprising to me. I was just catching up had about ten posts to read and it disappeared. Maybe somebody put up the Steve Kerr video.


Nah the Kerr video was put up multiple times in thread. The mod(s) was even part of the civil discourse w other posters. Who knows maybe another Mod said NOPE. I better stop there i guess.

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I’m contemplating not even sending my kids to last 2 days
of school now. With the copy cats out there it is really
unsettling and our communities awash in guns.

Deleting the thread was a poor decision. Shame we can’t
do the same for gun culture nuts. Majority held hostage by
a minority.


I feel the same way. If my son didn’t have a final today, he’d stay home.


We have no politics here. Those are the rules.

However, lets be real. Taking a thread down is in itself a political statement.


Lets just pretend it didnt happen and move on is what the mods are saying

Not surprised but i have to ask who moderates the moderators? Some of the mods takes were out there

Why not just lock it?

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Not to get too personal, but for some of us it hits straight to the core. My wife is 2nd in command at her School in CFISD. This stuff makes her pretty nervous as one can expect. She asked thst I take her to School instead of her driving. The Golden Retriever came along in the back n def calmed her down. Bless all the Educators out there, but esp these last few days of the School year.


Ok this is coming from the most banned man in all of Coogfan land, but shutting down threads and banning posters is absolutely symptomatic of what is wrong in America today.

When people get together they kabitz, they argue, they pontificate. That is what we do, it is as american as apple pie. If you don’t believe that, have coffee with four older guys and that is all they do.

It is healthy, it is these minor arguments that are healthy because it keeps you from the echo chamber of starting to believe that your political views have come from on top of a mountain on two clay tablets. It is these minor arguments that lets you see that, ok I don’t believe in everything they believe in but they aren’t bad guys.

Today everyone treats their political views as religious views and if you don’t agree with them you are an infidel. Or worse if you are in the same party and you don’t agree with everything you are a heretic.

Geez o pete, just say what’s on your mind and I don’t have to agree with it. In terms of gun control, how can these nut job 18 year olds have access to military style fire arms? At the very least raise the age to at least 21, you know the age they can buy beer. How F’n hard is that. How about a registration and certification process that at least matches your drivers license. For first time gun owners you should have a learners permit. A first time driver cant drive semi. Why is this so hard?


The problem is that before we used to be on the same team. But now we’ve been divided and that its actually 2 different teams. But I guess its no different than during the equal rights movement and vietnam war. They probably thought our country was coming to an end back then too.

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Did that thread turn super political at the end? The site admin posted a lot in it so surprised it got wiped.

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I don’t even see the thread anymore. Not even from an admin level.

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Nah. It didn’t. It was actually pretty tame and collegial for coogfans threads. The last bit of discussion was Law answering questions on murder statutes.

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I feel like society has turned into two camps that just wait for the opportunity to get their “licks in” and after one side finish’s with their licks the other will double the licks at the next opportunity.

Double wow!


Would extra counseling have helped prevent what happened?

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That’s because of a certain banned poster wasn’t able to add his bit of false facts or made up facts. Probably.


So everyone is talking gun control and mental health stuff like always. What about social media? Facebook and twitter had a severe impact on my own mental health, so I got rid of them in 2017 and haven’t looked back.
Maybe we should start treating social media platforms like a controlled substance. No on under the age of 21, etc.
I dunno, doesn’t seems like there’s a clear answer.

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