WV Senior Safety (from Katy) to sit and probably redshirt

sound familiar?


considering graduation and then transfer

prepare to see much more of this


More reasons for WVU to hate Holgorsen. Lol


Betting he’ll be here next season.


Lol. No doubt. It makes sense.

No it doesn’t. He has one year, that’s not the type of transfer Dana wants.

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He took Carmouche as a GT. For a coach who wants a ton of senior leadership on the roster, don’t see Stewart conflicting with that. Might give us a chance to RS Nunnery.

Depth at LB was crucial, not so at safety


It will be if Spree or Anderson decide to jump to the NFL.

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I don’t see this happening but you make sense.

We have 2 safeties sitting out that are multi-year transfers


Scenario 1:

-Thabo becomes the backup at nickel year.

-Hypolite or Nunnery fill in at one of the traditional safety spots after it’s vacated.

-That leaves us with only Moore and AWD to rotate between 3 different safety positions after Stewart’s transfer is rejected.

Scenario 2:

-Both Anderson and Spree return.

-AWD and Stewart are very good veteran backups.

-Hypolite and Thabo become active.

-Nunnery is RS’d.

The more the better. :man_shrugging:

Not even adding that vaugh played very good the last game as well

We don’t need safeties at all next season, but it could be like a Alabama situation where it’s not about need but creating intense competition…

DTackles are big need for next season… followed by Oline… every other position group on paper should be fine

  • note I think they’ll be lots of transfers after this season (backup guys) so it’ll be hard to tell what we really need

Yes. Forgot about Vaughn. All of this said is assuming both Anderson and Spree comeback. It would make absolutely zero sense for either of those guys to leave, but it’s college football; anytime a player has an opportunity to jump at some money they just might do it.

That said, there would be a smoking crater at the 3rd level, and we will have wished we added 1 guy who was recruited by the coach that is currently here. I think some people think that Safeties and Nickles are interchangeable, they aren’t. There are two different skill sets involved and we don’t want safeties rotating at NB and vice versa. Just pick up one more guy and be done with it.

Dana has stated he wanted to avoid the grad transfer trap

I’m he’s sure he wants to avoid the “don’t recruit enough bodies Tom Herman trap” even more.

That’s interesting since CDH took many grad transfers at WV, including QB several times.

I would be willing to bet a few shillings that he starts for the Coogs next year.

Do you really think either would be ready for that? I surely don’t. Next season we should have a lot better record and their chances would be a whole lot better. If either went this year, I think they would have to hope for a chance as a free agent.


Wouldn’t be surprised to see Garrison Vaughn move to corner permanently. Short sample size he’s the second best corner by far this year.

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I wonder why he hasn’t redshirted before when CDH was there.

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