Yankees still cheating

Anything new?

Rodon hasn’t pitched 2023 & Judge back on IL.
Why are 'Stros on their minds ?
A prank but a paying customer gets this level of scary harassment ?

The Bronx is gross. NY is gross. Their GM is a tool. They can’t buy even an ALCS. They got swept last year and it wasn’t close. Their fans are on par with Boston’s as the most gross in the league. I love that neither will win a Title in this decade. F— both cities and both franchises. Icky.


The commissioners team cheats + mlb (rob manfred) cheats for them = they still can’t make it to the World Series.


Seems like everyone is either cheating or losing games on purpose due to gambling, our society is so sad

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Ha. The Bronx is gross?

The Bronx is up, and the Battery’s down, the people ride in a hole in the ground, New York, New York, it’s a hell of a town.

Ha, Ha, I make myself laugh.:grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:


Lol. The traditions and Americana of NY are funny. I really don’t mind NY on whole. Fascinating place with lots of unique and famous nooks and crannies. But the Bronx is crappy IMO.

This is going to sound weird but I like ever ethnic group of NYers but the Irish - the ones closest to me. They come across as kinda thuggy.

No- cheaters are sad…

Ain’t skeered of the Bronx!!!

ALCS 2019 where Altuve hit a bomb in his first at bat… I went absutely BALLISTIC in the stands!!!

The Yankees fan next to me that caught Reddick’s HR (2nd pic where I’m in orange) did get some respect from me as he looked his 12 year old son in the eyes and then threw the ALCS HR ball back on the field… :rofl:

Ain’t skeered of Queens, either… :grin:

Are you skeered of the boat launch at Rockaway?


I DJed a couple times at the beach at Far Rockaway…

Didn’t do much exploring in Rockaway, though…

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