2021 Schedule

I didn’t see anythg offending whatsoever Giena.
Hoping the best for Derek n the program for 2021 Season


Everyone has a choice with their discretionary funds. Happy you re-allocated your funds to another worthwhile program. The athletic department needs it. I’ll wave to you from the FB games if you are watching. Go Coogs!


Thank you very much


Please don’t assume that I want instant gratification because that is not the case with me. I do expect to see progress in a positive direction and I have not seen anything in the past two years to make me change my mind.

Nor do I expect to see much improvement next season. If we win almost all of our games with the easy schedule in upcoming season that will provide me with a glimmer of hope.

Regarding your son and other players. I care very much for them as a UH fan and someone who has children. I hope the best for each of them. They are young men learning their way in the world. I was horrified by the posts regarding Clayton Tune; just horrible and I cringe to think about how that felt for him and his family/friends/teammates.

I understand your mother bear protective instincts and sensitivity towards the players. I too know quite a lot about the football program from three former players, one who is like a son to me and the other two are acquaintances. I also know several people in the ‘know’ at the school. Incidentally, two coaches, one who has left the program, both told a former player that ‘ Holgorsen is fccking you and don’t let him break you. Keep working hard and keep your head up high.’ That says a lot in that other coaches are saying something like that to a player.

I stand by my previous post. All is not well in my opinion.


Hi again Gienna,

I see there have been a lot of posts since mine and yours. I know you and I both want the same things for the kids and the program. We are on the same team I think!

Take care.


I understand, fair enough. Again, I apologize.

Yes ma’am, I know we are. I understand the frustration. Looking forward to a new season. :blush:

All is good!!!

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Yes, all is good!!

I’ll be watching Loandbehold!!! GOCOOGS!

Since it was in October 2019, it is interesting that the so called big donors bailed early on their chosen coach.

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Actually I think there are 3 crowds on this blog. First the reality crew. They pretty much look at things objectively. The next is the angry crew and their frustration is obvious. Third in the “seashells and balloons” crew who not only speak nicely but want to censor the other two groups.


Which group are you greyrider?

I actually started in the angry crowd but then some snowflakes got triggered and had their feeling hurt so I’m staying neutral-for now.

That sounds like a good place to be!

I like to think I’m a combination of all three although I used to definitely be primarily in the hate/anger group. Now I am trying to soften on that component; I’m definitely not there yet and may never get there.

We all want the same thing which is to have a winning football program.

I am definitely not trying to censor anybody and if you think that way about me with the seashells/balloons category, you are mistaken. I’m simply sharing my experiences and opinion just like everybody else in our forum.

Personally I think 95% of the bloggers want UH to be successful. As for the other 5% their expectations may need revision.

I’m a member of the “glass half full” group. I like to think I’m a realist. I accept situations, evaluate them and then make a judgement. I remember during the beloved Herman two years, Applewhites offense was pretty vanilla (IMHO). I remember bombs, runs up the middle stuffed, and wide receiver screens that were almost always blown up. There was a major letdown when Herm took our best recruits and hauled *ss to *ustin . . . . . Applewhite and his vanilla offense and personality brought little visual excitement to the team. (I attended his first "welcome the recruits event, and was blown away with how boring it was, top to bottom). It appeared to me that Apple was out of his environment. He had few connections in the coaching world and failed to put together a descent coaching staff. Second year, Apple had Briles as OC and managed, as the year before and because of a great QB and descent receivers, managed to win some games. It appeared that by the end of the year (became obvious in Dallas at the rain delayed debacle) that the team was either depressed or at the very least, lost to the HC. I do know there were a lot of injuries, and not enough fully developed depth on the roster. Apple goes and in come DH. He is facing a depleted roster, lots of injuries, a culture that needs overhaul and a relatively difficult schedule. The injuries did not let up and then the woflu hit and year two of the DH era was a nightmare of challenges, scheduling, rescheduling, practicing, playing, waiting around and others that I cannot recall at this moment.
On to the feelings that there has been no improvement over the past two years. I, personally, have witnessed a big improvement on the defensive side of the ball. The depth has been increased to the point we are no longer depending on freshmen to be starters and/or 2nd team players. Much of this has come about thru transfers. Has every transfer worked out? Of course not. Just like every player accepting a scholly, you never know until they do the deed.
Will the upcoming season be successful ? ? ? ? ? Only time will tell, but my group will continue to purchase our tickets and attend the games. Each game is a great occasion to get together and enjoy being outdoors and enjoy some great company. Win or loose (I certainly prefer win), I will find pleasure in attending the games and supporting our team, and I will not search out every fault and broadcast it to the world . . . . .


Your general observation is correct in my opinion. When an entire thread is about the QB and posters are taking shots at the young man and blaming him for losses that is clearly “ragging” on a player.

Most players are not singled out as much as Clayton but there is too much of “the O-line is this or the secondary is that” for my liking.

With this I agree. The improvements may not show up in the wins and loses early on but will show up and will be sustainable.

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Well put Ben. I am on board with what you said.

I liken CDH to some other colorful characters we have seen recently. His Red Bull swilling personality rubs some people the wrong way and they do their best to make him look bad because they really dont want him to succeed. That would invalidate their dislike for him and prove they were incorrect about their assessment.

I wonder if those same people who complain about one of our players also go to their children’s soccer matches and trash the other children’s playing abilities. They say, “No, we would never do that. We wait until he is 18 to trash him.” They should really be embarrassed by their behavior.

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