Buffalo Bills to Austin?

The Bills don’t even play in Buffalo, it’d come from the county.

San Antonio will eventually get an NFL team.

Austin? NEVER

I live in Austin and there’s no way in hell this is happening. If the Bills think getting a stadium built in Buffalo is hard, they have no idea. Getting an NFL stadium built in Austin would be next to impossible. Plus, Austin is full of fair weather fans and, other than maybe soccer, because you only need 20,000 to fill the stadium, the wine and cheese crowd could never support a major league team. (And I’m not making fun of soccer, I love soccer, and will go to lots of Austin games.)

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Austin doesn’t even want to pay the police…what a sh!!!t show


They can use the money they are not spending for police to finance the new stadium . . . . .


The Austin Californians


Ain’t gonna happen. But the Austin Weirdos has a nice ring to it.


Austin is way too laid back for Bills Mafia

The Oilers lived amongst us - kids attended the same schools, etc.

Texans don’t feel grounded to me

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I hate taxpayers paying for billionaire playgrounds. It’s infuriating. But in the car Buffalo Of go ahead and do that it’s kind of like Cincinnati you don’t have much else having on to the Bills is important.

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Now That’s Funny!!




While I believe this is just a negotiating tactic by the Bills to replace their old as dirt stadium, the Austin location isn’t a bad one.

The Dallas Cowboys aren’t in Dallas proper, they are in between Dallas and Ft Worth.

Heck, put the stadium somewhere around San Marcos, still identify the team with Austin.

The way things are going, there will be as much separation between San Antonio/San Marcos and Austin as there is Dallas/Arlington/Ft Worth


They already approved their new “face”

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I’ve thought for a long time it would be a good idea to put an NFL team in San Marcos. The problem is how do you pay for a stadium there.


just kidding

The University of Texas Austin Football Team.

why would Austin want the Bills, the already have a pro football team.


Definitely can afford pay those players now in the SEC.