Cole Beasley - Buffalo Bills

I’m vaccinated. To protect myself. At this point, the vaccine is available to everyone in the United States. If someone doesn’t have it by now, it’s by choice. So can we really play the card you’re trying to play? If someone doesn’t get the vaccine and ends up catching COVID and has serious side effects, then that is on them.

Cole Beasley has made that decision for himself. Not sure why everyone can’t respect his decision. Besides, I’m not 100% protected from getting COVID myself. So, theoretically, I could still get COVID and pass it to someone else.

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Again…get the vaccine if you want it

Don’t get the vaccine if you don’t.

This whole thread is about a NFL player who doesn’t feel safe getting it.


Ahhhhhh. The 1 angle I overlooked. Children. Good point. An approved vaccine is not available for everyone yet.

The natural antibody has been proven to do the same as the vaccine…give your body a blueprint to reject the virus just as with many infectious diseases.

Some need flu shots to help fight off the flu…some have an immune system to fend it off naturally

Totally should be my choice whether I stop for red lights. People with bad vision should have to stop, but I should be able to make that decision myself. Freedom.


Amen brother!

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Everybody can do what they want. What is the benefit from not getting the vaccine? Is it more likely to help you, others? Do those benefits outweigh the gains to you and others?

So nothing is 100 percent t but 99.75 percent t is pretty damn close to it smh

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But what is the argument, though? No one can do something to protect themselves from a guy running a red light. Lol

Anyone can protect themselves from COVID by getting the vaccine. Other than the group you mentioned. Children.

Also; I’m pretty sure running a red light is subject to a ticket for breaking a written law.

Idk. I received the vaccine. I can’t answer that. If someone makes a decision to not receive the vaccine, then I’m fine with that, too.

Wow glad my family all got our shots. Wouldn’t want to get a ticket and have to go to a vaccine class lol.
Dang let’s win some games!

I’m just trying to figure out the logic

99.75% is fantastic. They told me 95% effectiveness once I received my second dose. And I was about 80% protected with the first.

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My logic is. I don’t care if you do or don’t have the vaccine. Because I am protected.

It’s the same thing for getting my children vaccinated. I’m sure my children are around other kids that have not received any vaccines. There’s nothing I can do about that. I can just control whether my children receive the vaccines that are recommended by healthcare professionals.


Yeah actual data that has come out for infections after the vaccine was about that percentage and no hospitalizations and deaths from that group as well.

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Its all win win so i dont understand the reluctance to the vaccine. The logic seems to be “i can be a ahole”


Could be a lot of things.

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Do not engage in insults with each other and let’s stay away from calling one side wacko and the other insane. Everyone has made their choices regarding the hot point here, so just agree to disagree and move on.


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