Coogfans... Prepare for headlines

As I tell people every single day electronic media last forever.

Young people and not so young people have to know when to stay off Twitter and the like.


This! Yup, 100%. It’s not worth your own reputation.


Yep, the first hiring manager at the global retail business will be reading that in a few more months


Oh I agree. But what I have heard about some interactions with CDH, not too far off. Yes, even the good interactions
he keeps it simple. He is focused on coaching.


There could be a lot of grain of truth to the comments Murph is making. That doesn’t make CDH immoral for that matter. If Justin truly was a detriment to the team, then how is CDH or any school official in the wrong for dismissing him quietly? Murph also mentioned he planned to finish his degree here
you want to talk about morals? Who’s the dean of Global Retailing or whatever? Do you think they have it in them to allow him continue to a degree here after going after the coach and team on social MEdia?

Players get dismissed from D1 programs all the time. What’s the ONLY outlier here?


Under what grounds do you remove him from an academic program.

Due process still exist in whatever limited manner.


Not a lawyer, but people have been kicked out of school for way less. These are young men, not small children. Just wait for the full story; this Texas Twister Twitter Tirade may have been the least of his offenses. That’s what I’m assuming; I mean, others are assuming we’re tanking and JM did no wrong, so. :man_shrugging:

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Well, for those that we’re going back and forth with it, this answers the “who approached who about redshirting.”

  • Like I said before, I don’t blame him for being upset after the commitment he made to come here and dealing with everything that he mentioned in his tweets.

  • For him to be upset about the schedule though, he had to of known what he was getting himself into when he was recruited to come here. He didn’t look at the schedule in advance?

  • The whole situation with coach not giving him a proper handshake sendoff looks bad but I have to wonder if there is more to that story than is portrayed. Did they share some tense words before that or the day before that caused coach to be short and possibly fed up with a prior argument?

  • What an odd season. Seriously. Just strange.


More Drama and press than we’ve received in 2 years. This season has felt long.


Take the high road and just don’t comment, not sure they need to meet with him at this point.


Wish the young man well, especially with his knees. CDH will set this program straight. Lets beat Cinci to get back to 3-3. We can still win this division. Go Coogs!


Tech fans I knew warned me about how much of a kookoo bird this guy was.

Crazy to see it biting us. Nuts.


Who’s to say whatever our record is at the end of the year would have been different without red-shirting King? Plus I see 7 games yet to be played
 that is 7 more possible wins not counting any post season.

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Also have to wonder if he read this article as well. This year didn’t go to plan due to injuries? Apply, maybe get approved, red shirt and have one more crack at it! Or go wild on Twitter. That might work too.


As a mental health professional, I just felt bad for him.

To tired from prepping for tailgate Saturday to get into the it, but in telling his “story” he reveals much more of his character patterns than the “bad” situation he “found” himself in.


Who was our last grad transfer that ended up panning out? Watkins last year was a good rotational CB, but I can’t think of anyone else that had a huge impact on our team other than taking a scholarship.

Unless it’s an impact, surefire NFL guy, I think I’d take a pass in the future on these guys. He’ll, use the scholarship on a low ranked recruit and see if you can develop him. Better for depth, high school relations and you never know when you mine a star.


This might be the best path


a young person goes on twitter and reveals his innermost turmoil to the world. Join the other 1.5 billion millennials doing the same thing.


All of the Seniors on our HS team were benched before district. Coach wanted to play youth and build for the future. We lost a lot, but such is life.
CDH had to right the ship after what he received. It will all work out in the end.


“Dear World,

Please do what I say or I’ll go on Twitter and embarrass myself. I mean it!”