Craziness Poll: Only about half of Americans would take COVID vaccine if they had the chance


But the minute the Russian vaccine or some other US vaccine is “ready” I guarantee there will be people pressuring the FDA to make it public NOW so that it can be administered in the US. You see that type of pressure for less critically important drugs already. Will they cave like the CDC did with regards to their guidance on school openings?

I just think that from a personal perspective, it is important to pause and think about what is being communicated and why. Definitely not a time to blindly trust something without doing your own research.


What’s scary is a person that’s taking the vaccine (supposedly to protect themselves) would go into a tizzy over someone else deciding not to. If the vaccine protects you then what is the relevance of someone else not taking it?

I want the pandemic to end. Honestly, my concerns around the pandemic aren’t very personal to me or my immediate family. I wouldn’t expect this to have a major impact on my immediate family if we all got it. I also know my more vulnerable family members outside of my immediate family would get the vaccine.

That said, our economy and country won’t be back to normal until this pandemic ends. We need herd immunity for that to happen and people not getting vaccines will slow that down.

Even if someone gets the vaccine, it’s not going to be 100% effective in preventing coronavirus, so it’s still safer if more people get the vaccine. These effects are compounded; if the vaccine is 90% effective and I get the vaccine, my chances of getting it from you are 10% of the basal rate. If you get the vaccine and I get the vaccine, that means my chances of getting the vaccine from you are roughly 1% of what they would be otherwise. There are all sorts of caveats to it, but that’s a huge difference.


It depends on antibody production vs viral load. Fighting an antigen isn’t instantaneous, if there’s a ton of virus in your system from somebody sneezing in your face, it can still take time for your system to produce sufficient antibodies to kill it off, in which time you can suffer symptoms and pass it to others.

Answer: their stupidity in allowing themselves to be vulnerable to a potentially deadly disease when a way to prevent it would be so obviously available.

If that isn’t something worth lampooning…then what would be?

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Purpose of the vaccine is to create herd immunity without subjecting a population to the death rates of a normal infection. So you would want the population to get the vaccine.

No question that a vaccine is necessary. Just need to be prudent about it when it is released.


No politics please! A lot of people can easily attack the other side as well! No more conspiracy theories or politics!


I don’t know that you can trust China but they are reporting two cases of people being reinfected.

Definitely something to keep an eye on. I saw one study out of Spain showing the antibodies especially in the mildly sick and asymptomatic cases have dated dramatically or even disappeared which of course means it reinfection would be possible.

It’s just one study so hardly conclusive, but as a always we’d like better news.

Let me re-phrase that. I should have added that the actual questions have are defined with no possible bias. I tried to go on their website (AP) but it never opened up.
Political polls are largely and mostly incorrect. When you dive down in the actual questions and the actual sample of voters most of the time the polls are off by 6 to 7 points.
This now has been true for over 30 years. Case in point during our last presidential election one candidate according to polls had between a 4 to 10% advantage. The other candidate won.

Regarding the vaccine the clear answer is that we do not know what the real % of the population will want to take it or not. We can agree to disagree. Furthermore we have been hearing/watching a media campaign aimed at doubting that “A” vaccine will work. Skepticism? Yes but presenting with the facts that a major trial has been highly successful I believe that a large majority of the population will get it. Right now we do not have a vaccine. Let’s see how people will respond when we have one.
fauci has been highly irresponsible for “installing” fear saying that one vaccine might not work alone. This is the last comment that Americans wanted to hear. The good/great news is that we have the private and public sector working together to speed up and create a working/effective vaccine.

Just in May you had 23 companies. How many more are there trying to find an effective vaccine? Probably many more. This is a multi billion Dollars business…

It’s also feasible that the observed decline in antibodies might not mean much. There’s still a lot we don’t know about the virus.

And with this I give my S/O to Portland as this thread dies.

Portland, besides the ulcer inducing posts, hope you’re having a good night so far.

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The other factor with that is even if a vaccine is 100% effective for everyone who takes it there will be some people with compromised immune systems who won’t be able to take it. So someone who baselessly refuses a vaccine can put people who can’t take that vaccine in danger.


I hope you at least have your S/O’s consent for that one.

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Did I go old man and misuse that for a shout out? If so, that’s kind of funny.

My S/O might be good to be rid of me. But I imagine Portland would be disappointed in that trade.

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Honestly, it means both things, I just thought it was funnier the other way.

Kind of like when you get a work email with f/u in the subject line.


THIS poll is EVEN WORSE!!!

It says that ONE IN THREE Americans…WON’T receive a COVID19 vaccine.

I don’t care who you are…

that attitude is absolutely BAT SCHITT crazy!!!

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You said they “won.” When someone else’s personal liberty causes you emotional spasms regarding a virus than 98% of the people survive then “they” aren’t the “crazies”.

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Lol… you really get exercised over what other people do, don’t you?! I expect you’re a real mess when you see someone missing a water wing at the WMCA swimming pool.

“OMG! OMG!! OMG!!”
