Herman continues his loving ways

Looks like Herman’s not the only one with former players taking shots at him. Now Patterson has a recently graduated WR taking shots at his program:


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Saw this, wonder were this is coming from. I thought Patterson was one of the good ones.

Good coach maybe. But if you look at his record of statements and player treatment in terms of a person he is kind of a turd. Not as two faced about it like Herman but a turd none the less.


well dang talk about burning bridges

Lot of things get covered up at TCU; isn’t anywhere near as bad as Baylor, but it ain’t a clean program. Remember the drug issue a few years ago that got swept underneath the rug quickly? That hasn’t been the only thing that’s smelled rotten there. TCU donors have a lot of oil money though and are happy to pay to make things go away. It’s also how they keep Patterson as they ensure that he’s taken care of; heard he’s now got some of that oil land. TCU knows that if Patterson leaves, they’re dead in the water.