How will Pandemic Effect Conference Expansion/Contraction?

We can’t put real numbers based on the fear of a virus either…we have shut the country down on “a just in case” scenario.

health before wealth

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I posted in another thread our governor declared Texas is now under a health disaster effective this Friday at mid-night. All restaurants are delivery or take out only. Bars are to be closed. A lot of people will be hurting financially. Also all schools are to be closed.

The golf club I belong to has shut down all sit down food and beverage activity until further notice.

The sooner everything gets shutdown the sooner we’ll get though it, which will ease the economic meltdown Letting it drag out with every state doing their own thing will only prolong the inevitable. This is where the federal government needs to flex its arms and mandate a lockdown… essential business only for emergencies, safety, and supplies. That’s how China turned the corner.

No one knows whether China has turned the corner or not; they lie about everything!



Who in their right mind would model anything from China !!


China definitely has a credibility problem, no doubt, but so do we. Lots of disinformation going on with a lot of governments, in fact. Our own government is downplaying the seriousness of the situation, overstating efforts to contain it, contradicting health officials, doctors, and scientists for the same reasons… the potential economic fallout.


Both polio and small pox have vaccines.

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It’s dangerous to everyone. It lethal to elderly. 30% of all patients requiring hospitalization are under the age of 45. That’s a very large pressure on hospital and healthcare system. That’s what it’s hoping to avoid.

You may feel this all over reaction. We’ll never know for sure if we over reacted but we’ll know for sure if we under react.

The leaders of companies and countries that have taken such extreme measures have every reason to not want to take these measures. The fact that they have done so says a lot about the seriousness of the situation. And these are people have access to the best advice possible. You only have your own opinion based on incomplete information and based on your evaluation of immediate apparent lack of seriousness or criticality of the situation.

2-3 weeks from now you could be gloating about being right that would be the best case scenario. In the worst case scenario you may be eating crow as our hospitals are overrun with legions of sick.

Keep an eye on the UK, if the shit has to hit the fan there, you’ll start seeing it happen in the next 3-5 days. As of today at least London area hospitals are already seeing rise in cases.

The problem is, except for live press conferences, we only get what the media wants us to get and the media has an agenda. I trust them about as much as I trust China.

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Don’t believe what you read or hear. Just go to every nations ministry of health website or WHO which conglomerates data. I refuse to Even listen to any conference involving politicians. I don’t believe Fox News, they changed their tune only after the prez did. I dont believe anything the prez says. The Defense Production act has been authorized but not as yet invoked. Yet the prez says he’s ordered many companies to start production of critical medical supplies, this is patently not true, neither is his repeated claim that chloroquinine is a cure for Covid19. Both can claims can be shown to be false by just simple online research.

CNN and others I tune out when they criticize any politician (usually its Republican), but I do listen when they go over CDC/WHO and international statistics, which I can personally validate online.

Actually the best sources are to each countries own health authority websites.


Speaking of China…has north Korea said anything? What about Kim Jun Un?

He has his own eradication program.

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The WHO is about as believable as China News.

We get it…you pine for Obama !

Defer to medical professionals and scientists? Why would you do that when you have sports fans and widget salesmen right here on Coogfans who can tell us what’s really going on?


about 1500 people die of Malaria in the US, and most of them are returned from the tropics

this is not the same

we have had @200 deaths in less than two months, and the rate of infection doubles every six days or so. we are very lucky that we have not see the mortality rate of Italy, or we would be closer to that 1500 in two months.

but you just go ahead and ignore it


correct. no brakes on this

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Viruses generally spread exponentially.

Reported US coronavirus cases in March:

3/1: 89
3/2: 105
3/3: 125
3/4: 159
3/5: 227
3/6: 331
3/7: 444
3/8: 564
3/9: 728
3/10: 1,000
3/11: 1,267
3/12: 1,645
3/13: 2,204
3/14: 2,826
3/15: 3,505
3/16: 4,466
3/17: 6,135
3/18: 8,760
3/19: 13,229
3/20: 18,182
Now (1:45 am 3/21, per 19,774

And these are only reported cases. Due to testing limitations, mild/asymptomatic cases that don’t get reported, etc., we’re probably underreporting actual cases by a factor of 10.

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I know this is being “picky,” but would someone please change the “effect” to “affect” in the title of this thread? Drives me nuts; ok, I was nuts before and will be after any change!