Lots of change coming

As for the Notre Dame Fighting Irish, that name should remain, because of THIS!!!

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I don’t think it is possible to please everyone or to not offend anyone. I give up. I choose not to be offended, it’s hard to do sometimes. After the dust settles I hope we can all unite with the common cause of UH athletics.


Where exactly did I compare a characture to a park? Taking things out of context just like the media does. Sorry my racist upbringing has offended any snowflakes here.


Good morning friend. :sunglasses:

The goal is not to marginalize GROUPS of people. Not neccesarily just one individual. That would be impossible.


Good morning to you too, friend!

An admirable goal, even as the goal posts keep getting moved about.

Yeah. After NCAA ruled on this a decade ago, any schools that currently have a Native American mascot has been approved by the respective tribe. Which is fine since they have permission.

Never knew the origins of gator bait. Wow- I actually learned something new on this message board. :smirk:


We can make it work. As much as it taking ALL of us to get it done would be first choice, it just isn’t realistic. I think it will take MOST of us, and right now I believe we’re seeing A LOT of us.

One step at a time friend.


Well as for me, I am mostly Irish, but am also 1/32 Native American Indian

I am 100% Cougar !!!:smiley::paw_prints:


Law, just how many colleges did you attend?



Case Western Reserve U. (undergrad)
UH (law school)
Central Michigan (grad school)
Illinois (grad school)
US Army Command and General Staff College (grad school)

Three Division I-FBS Alma maters (one P5; hopefully two in the near future), and one Division III Alma mater. Two (hopefully three in the near future) AAU alma maters.


Ole Miss right now:



My grandmother went by Nina instead of Nana in honor of what her mother seen coming into America in late 1800’s



Sorry, do not believe it!! No mother anywhere EVER is going to allow that to happen, it would be over her dead body
Just a vile racist dream from a century ago
Just the image alone is profoundly vile enough to demand a strong response

Times have changed quite a bit but I am from a 100% Irish family from Michigan. Up north the Irish were/are viewed as a group near the bottom of social hierarchy. My parents would constantly stress education because in their words “you are Irish so people are going to assume you are stupid”. They took the attitude of F’em, prove them wrong.

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We are not that far removed from “Irish Need Not Apply.”

You are correct, the Irish have been looked down upon over the years. The Fighting Irish was a moniker of pride to many Irish and one of the reasons Notre Dame has had a national following for years.

I read somewhere about police departments and the Irish. It may be true or not, but it said one of the reasons there were so many Irish police was because it’s one of the few jobs they could get.

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My family was in the bar business (both construction and owning) I know strange that an Irish family was in the bar business. As my father used to say about the Irish “it may be a stereotype but it doesn’t mean it’s not accurate.” He had an original Irish Need Not Apply sign he kept on the wall behind the bar.

The people most similar to the Irish up north are the Hispanics in the southwest. Very similar, both from a religious standpoint (Catholic) and they both are entrepreneurial because they had to be.


Somewhere on the gator forum they say the chant was made 30 or 40 years ago and it was made by one of their students at the time. That it has not ties to that time but what do I know. There’s talk that after ole miss and Miss state that lsu is next and they’re not willing to give up the tiger. Food for thought. If they do that willing or unwilling. Will atm give up sully and will tu give up eyes of texas.

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Georgia is going to have to give up the grey pants.

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What about Italians? Italians were discriminated against just like the Irish. They were called dagos and looked down upon. My gf had to fight a lot bc of this. Basically all immigrants in the US were discriminated against except the The English who mostly founded this country. The Irish built the Irish channel in New Orleans and they just buried them as they died gigging into that channel bc they were viewed as second class.

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