Passing the Smell Test

I think this is on point. B1G and Pac 12 are playing now. That is what changed this week. Big 12 was embarrassed last weekend. Big 12 is worried about being further embarrassed non-conference and missing the playoffs.


Not saying this is the reason Butch but with all due respect we were going to spank them. Too bad they will not find out what a lot of people saw coming.


On second thought after canceling for contact tracing they deserve the criticism of dodging the Coogs.
I was pretty confident we were going to roll them Navy style


Exactly. You’re either positive definitively, or you play the dang game. This contact tracing thing was the weakest dodge material they could have came up with. They could have said the stadium gates wouldn’t open and I’d respect that more. I have respect for their fans but the shot-callers are complete poultry!

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Anyone that criticizes UH for its lack of tradition should pay close attention to this thread.
If you arent affiliated with or don’t have appreciation for UH, you may dismiss all the conspiracy theories as rhetoric or hyperbole, but don’t, because this is what we do. This is our tradition. Welcome to our house.

And by the way, it’s all because of those doggone longhorns!

And don’t you forget it!!

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Nobody was anticipating the game more than me. I liked our chances but it just didn’t work out.
Wondering how many games we will actually play this year

It was not the B12, it was local goverment guidelines about contact tracing that caused the postponement. See post in the other thread.

Red, you don’t think local governments can be influenced?

I’d like to know the exact details of these “guidelines” , to whom and what circumstances it applies and when it was put in place.

Baylor cancellation is supposedly due to not meeting conference threshold.

The numbers needed to play:
any 53 players including walk ons.
7 offensive linemen
4 defensive linemen
and 1 quarterback

Current 2020 Baylor roster listed ~108 players,
17 ol
16 dl
and 6 qb

So over half of their team are either infected or are in quarantine.
Could happen as it is apparently happening to a lot of teams including Memphis.

Personally, I think the AD, coaches, players, and fans on both sides would love to see this game. But the Big12 head office does not. They have to protect their playoff chances given what happened last week and the restart of the Big10 and Pac12 season who do not have to face any OOC teams. So the “conference threshold” preventing this game is not the Covid threshold, but the risk benefit threshold as determined in the back office of the big12.

Go Tulsa!

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smell test


Are you suggesting that Baylor’s team Captain for their game with UH a Colonel named Sanders?

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Johnny, I know local governments, and state governments for that matter, can be influenced. But, unless anyone has any proof of all of this B12 didn’t want us to play talk, all of this sounds like a bunch of tin foil hat stuff to me. I do think the BU coaches, players, and AD wanted to play the game.


Wonder if they would have cancelled if they had scheduled one of the five P5 teams that turned them down.

“Yes, Mack, one more question
 people on a message board think after scheduling the game on short notice and going through all the trouble of hiring stadium staff, selling tickets and getting a major tv network to set aside 4 hours to broadcast the game you are lying about your players getting a contagious illness because you think your team will lose
 is this true?


I don’t think anyone is saying Baylor is lying. Where did you get that garbage? Baylor could have kept the agreement and played at a disadvantage and chose not to. Winning is more important to Baylor than keeping their word. But we already knew that.

I’ve seen how contact tracing Is implemented at my work. Basically anyone who has come in close contact or in a closed area with anyone who tests positive is treated as a possible infected person and has to quarantine for 7 days and must get tested.
So based on this, I bet Baylor will play Kansas next week because all the traced people will Be negative and play next week.

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Unless you’re wearing a mask when you’re in contact with them.

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Trying to defend this is so typical. Anything good I have said about MR I take back. This was bush league!
We can all do enough research to find someone around the 150 people who may have been around a positive person. No one tested P and should have been playing. I am sure after being called and getting the backlash we see the rising numbers to justify their decision.
Now let’s see if we get our return game since contractually they don’t have to come


I do not think this is coming from Rhoades. He and Aranda agreed to this game
What happened next


(cough, cough, ahem, Texas, cough, cough
I need some medicine.)