Texas Gets Called Out For Being ... Texas

I dunno why everyone is so upset about this. It’s a home game for them, they have every right to save the best seats for whosever they liked. Next year LSU can return the favor! Many reasons to dislike/hate UT, but in my book this ain’t one of them. It’s called home field for a reason.


When Texas plays LSU in BR I think the horn band should be given all the seats they need in the parking lot.

Texas has been doing this to visiting bands for 2 to 3 years. Idea is letting students have the seats where the visiting band used to be so they can be closer to the field. Texas is not the only school to do this. Kinda smart if you ask me.
And the Texas athletic director said the AC was working in the visitors locker room. LSU coach is trying to use it as the excuse for why the players kept cramping when Texas would go no huddle.

Nothing new here. UT Visiting team lockers have never had air conditioning. And yes many visiting teams have complained about the heat. But it’s the home teams right to create its locker rooms as they like. A lot visiting locker rooms don’t have a/c or heat. It’s called maximizing home field advantage. I can’t fault them (or anyone else) for that.

The reaction of UH fans here seems like a case of criticizing for the sake of it. Why does the home team not be able to do whatever it wants?

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I wouldn’t be surprised if Ed Oregeron lied. He is a real dirt bag. One of his players admitted that he sent LSU commits to UT in order to bad mouth Texas to top players visiting Texas. Seems to have worked as at least one top player who was considering UT flipped to LSU.

The fact that the player flipped to LSU is not the issue here, it’s that a coach would stoop to such depths of dirtiness. Next year UT goes to Baton Rouge, let’s see what happens then.

Hmm, to answer your question, I think it’s something called sportsmanship.


Wow that’s your standard for recruiting dirt bag? I’m on your side a bunch, but man calling Ed O a dirt bag for that move is a huge stretch. Especially, in the cesspool that is college recruiting.

On the AC, that’s pure gamesmanship, just like not cutting the grass to slow a team down, etc. Cleaning any it’s that for a lot is an excuse.

I thought UT was better than that but I guess if they need all of those gimmicks to win, they are not the great football program I was lead to believe.

The sad thing is, they didn’t win the game.

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Do we do that ?

LSU will probably try to emulate that Texas hospitality they received while in Austin. I would not blame them.

Hey Coach O. Let a couple of those bayou gators roam the visitors locker room. :crocodile::crocodile:

Oh, and lock the door from the outside. :joy:

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I know I always believe the ut athletic department…NOT !!

They have been lying since 1968…that is far as I go back.

You can believe anything you want !!

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I’m thinking some shaky bleachers just outside the stadium !!!

He He !!!


Probably at The Rob and The Hof but that was not gamesmanship. Even the homeless living at the former stadiums complained…

Do you not see the irony you defending UT but criticizing LSU for using an advantage?


It seems like the SEC and BIG fans are especially nasty.

Not ironic at all. It was a statement of wonder implying it’ll be interesting to see what happens in Baton Rouge next year. Del Conte has come out and said AC was working. Take your pick on who you believe.

Well, the A/C may be working; but was it turned on? Was it set really high?

Regardless, defending anything UT should make you ashamed of yourself.


There’s a good chance that the AC was “working” over the poor LSU FB team. The liberals in Austin probably don’t want to have any freon put into the AC system for the visitors locker room.

You know, global warming and all that jazz…


Del Conte may be biggest kiss ass ever !!