Tom Penders slams B1G and PAC for not playing, praises AAC

Penders faced official indifference from out administration, hence the horrible locker room, etc. He fought long and hard on our behalf and I am grateful to him. But he is dead wrong about covid. It is going to ruin lives long term.

So will many other things like cancer, the flu, pneumonia, car wrecks and plane crashes; however those other things haven’t stopped too many folks from leading a fairly normal life-style.

Penders is correct - take reasonable precautions but play the darn games!


Epic analogy failure, along with other previous “enlightements” shared.

As opposed to your ultimate Chicken Little approach !!

Please elaborate on your empty allegation. I take my information from epidemiologists and public health officials, as has been the lead for those countries with significant virus reduction and control. Not contributing to or accepting 170,000 and growing. “It is what it is.” One can’t claim a hoax and then have any legitimacy.


That is your “legitimacy” !!!

Lemmings off a cliff !!

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I love Coog51 posts. I love uhlaw97 posts better. But as post analogies go…this post makes me uncomfortable on a Jeffery Epstein level.