Tony Levine update

Hey Phi Phi brothers!

Fixed it for you.

He did hire Doug Meachum and David Gibbs. He made rookie mistakes, but made the right hires in year two. Meachum left after one yr. His biggest mistake and what ultimately screwed him was promoting Travis Bush a 2nd time.


So, you really believe that Rhodes hired Sampson and Herman !!

I Agree that he put the contract papers in order and stapled them in the upper left hand corner, but I also believe that it was Tillman and Kahtor that actually hired those two.

Rhodes never knew Bo or Didley about college athletics.

Neither did his hire, Yurachek.


Fertitta hired Herman. Remember the press conference where he came out and said “We got this one right”. It wasn’t Rhodes or anyone else, Fertitta called the shots.


Tony can do well in broadcasting. Has a good personality.

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You heard a lot about Tom Herman, with the kisses, the grill, marketing, and while Levine didn’t have the media savvy of Tom Herman, Levine is a keen talent evaluator. Chances are Tom Herman isn’t coaching in Austin were it not for Levine’s ability to identify and recruit exceptional talent. Levine finished his time at Houston with a 21-17 record and bowl bids in two of his three seasons. That wasn’t enough to keep his job, but Houston is better for his time in 3rd Ward.


Upstanding guy
good for him.


UH needs a way of carrying good traits from one head coach to the next.

Tony did a study and determined “take aways” had the highest relationship to the number of wins. Where are the Jack Boyz? Herman was good on discipline and with the media. Dana is good on depth.

Can’t we have all of these in any future coach?


I don’t care he lost, he was my favorite coach. Outstanding individual.


Herman’s discipline was a house of cards.



My 14 year old just applied to work at his Chick Fil A. I can’t think of a better man than Coach Levine to work for on your first job.



Met Tony”s wife at the Marshall away game, very nice down to earth, just like Tony.

He pretended to be a head coach as long as he could. Getting people to rise to the occasion is one thing, keeping them there is quite a different set of skills. He did not possess those skills.

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He may have been a good example of the Peter principle at work but I still feel he would have turned it around.

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Hard to say. He certainly didnt turn around UT. I realize they have their own set of problems but so do we, particularly a loyal fan base

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I think UT’s problem is that old saying, “ to many chiefs and not enough Indians”. I think those kind of power struggles require a good politician along with coach skill set.

Herman certainly had the skill set for that, dishonesty, grandstanding, letting others know how smart and important he was and showmanship. He also was good at blaming others.


Ya I agree. The kissing the players bc I am Italian and I love all these guys was just cringe worthy. It all looked staged and awkward.