Tony Levine update

That just illustrates how bad it is in Austin for him to fail there.

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Yeah, I find it hard to believe the UT powers found humor in his antics of wearing a big “diamond” around his neck and proclaiming he was mining for diamonds and carrying a baseball bat suggesting they were going to hit home runs as he got off the bus. Its football for heavens sake, not baseball. Even I was embarrassed that he was our former coach.

The lame locker room fail with the sledge hammer made him look like a wimp.

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Yeah, but that stuff did work here. His Paul Wall stuff and embracing the 3rd Coast culture brought new fans to the games. People say winning cures all, but with UH, Herman was the right fit for branding the team.


Me and my wife could not stop laughing when we first saw that.


Yes. Here at UH you need a coach that is a little extra. He needs more than just a good football mind.

Branding yes and he would have been a great fit for our PR staff and selling seasons tickets. As a head coach? His deer in the headlights look after the UCONN loss in 2015 was disconcerting. Navy the following year was embarrassing and again, he had no idea or explanation for the loss.Then came SMU and he looked adrift. I know he had one foot out the door but then he basically abandoned us for Memphis. Just not a good leader or coach and zero class. At Texas he began tossing players under the bus to save himself along with a few coaches.


The navy loss was caused by the loss of 2 starting line backers that week due to a fight in practce


Maybe helped but not caused. Adapt and win.I was at that game and we looked flat coming out off the locker room for the second half. They adjusted, we didnt.

You mean by Herman and his “games “ !

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Yes but you don’t expect games to result in fist fights

Maybe they didn’t get a kiss that day :sunglasses:

It wasnt a practice. Adams and Bowser got into a fight over a game.

Adams played, Bowser did not. The scuffle was between those two prior to the UCONN game. They both sat that game, however Bowser was out due to a broken bone

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I think Adams sat at Navy, and Navy was before UConn

I remember that we lost both of the defenders.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1332901539707576320|twgr^|twcon^s1_&

Adams has a mean right hook. I think he would be a great boxer.

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Hopefully he will be too old to start a boxing career.

I said game not practice

Then ESPN has it all wrong. They show Adams with statistics for the Navy game and the schedule shows UCONN before Navy. Not saying they are right but that is what is on the ESPN site

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