UFOs do they exist?

Interesting perspectives. I suppose modern radar is better and more sensitive than past generations( duh !) and as such may be more subject to seeing ghosts and such, until they
learn how to tweak it to eliminate false echos.

The pilots attitude as you note is interesting as well. Not at all like they are in fear or in serious pursuit of an unknown and possibly hostile craft violating our airspace. And how did a pilot
download or record this incident ? I recall the military saying the footage was real.

As always with UFOs, more questions than answers. And it begs the question of
what is hard evidence.

One argument is that the universe is vast and likely has other beings which could be true but I did hear from various religious people that said in the Bible that God does do somethings to confound the wise meaning he could have created a vast universe where we’re still alone and special. The story of Jesus and way he did it, would confound the wise. We’re created in his image and so if other intelligent beings exist, what are they bc they aren’t on the level of animals so it’s interesting.

So it could go either way on this.


Speaking of UFOs, we saw Vast of the Night on Amazon last night. 3.4 stars…so mixed reviews. I thought it was entertaining. Has a creepy late 50s, Twilight Zone, Night Gallery vibe.

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I’ll check this show out.

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Baker Mayfield says he saw one in Austin.

He does not smoke pot and play bongos naked. I think,

Another case of “I saw something !” . I’ll put this
one in the lacking physical evidence file. I don’t
question he saw something ; but what it is , is another thing.

Any corroborating radar evidence ? OTOH, if this is an advanced other worldly craft, I’d imagine they would have super stealth capabilities too. Unless they just want to be seen ;). Of course it could have just been a bunch of teenage aliens taking out dads car to get some fun buzzing hapless earthlings for the fun of it.

It’s right there in the name UFO…UNIDENTIFIED Flying Object. Not necessarily from another planet, just means the observer doesn’t know what it is.

I suppose technically if someone threw “something” at me and it went whizzing by my head, that would as qualify as a UFO. Was it a vase? An axe? The remote control? We’ll never know…

But it makes you think, is it evidence that we originated from Mars???

Other twist is these aliens look horrific and many theologians , mainly Protestants , think they are really demons/ fallen angels.

Just throwing that possibility out there bc I heard preachers say this even though I’m Catholic. The Catholic Church is more open minded and just says it’s possible that evolution and aliens exist and they leave it at that as to not take a concrete stance so that they are never wrong on the issue.

The reason Protestants think they might be demons is bc the Bible mentions only us in his image , angels, demons and animals and it doesn’t mention other life forms outside of earth. So the hang up is a religious barrier that could be true, otherwise it throws Christianity in a tough spot to identify where these beings fit in the Bible.

Okay, even I’m not buying into this books premise.

FYI, I consider myself a Protestant, but we don’t
accept Fundamentalism, literal interpretation of the Bible, or inerrancy. It’s all up for debate. However, I fully understand many
Protestants and Catholics do hinge on those 3 point. My point, Christianity and Protestants are a pretty big tent. Concept or fact of alien life does not rattle my Faith.

Here is a fascinating example of how nature and the physics of optics can fool us. No doubt many UFO
sightings fall into this type of category. And thus even photographs and observation of “things” fail the hard evidence threshold.

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These are serious people. I think the report when it comes out will open our eyes.



What Marco Rubio is saying is startling.

We’ve been watching the old sixties Star Trek. If we can find a spacecraft or alien bodies that would help.

Not much new information here that I saw. The Rubio comment was from last July. For whatever
reason, the military has not taken UFOs serious for a longtime. At least that’s impression I got from reading a narrative of Project Blue Book and it’s preceding programs:

To boil it all down, all we got is some visual observations, with some video recorded by military pilots. There is occasional radar confirmation by air or ground based systems. In the navy footage there is an infrared confirmation here too.

There is just not enough hard evidence here for me. Carl Sagan was fond of saying extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. I would absolutely luv for these things to be real alien craft, but I need much more corroborating evidence.

You’re probably aware of this site , but I thought it
was interesting to post anyway. Looks like Texas has lowest sightings per capita and Idaho the most.

No real “quality of data” data here …meaning
credibility of person reporting, “ I saw a light !” stuff , etc. , versus
the not readily explainable interesting cases.

For the second year in a row, Texans reported the fewest number of UFO incidents per capita than any other state. Other safe zones include Louisiana, New York, Maryland, and Illinois.

And yet another site to report sightings if you happen to see one !

And most recent reports:

NRG I am in the Marco Rubio, Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, John Radcliff line of thinking. (Boy you couldn’t ask for a more dissimilar group than that).

There is something up there. I think there are people in the government that know that there is something up there. What they are and where they are from, I don’t have a clue.

I personally don’t think it is Russian or Chinese advanced technology. I don’t think it is possible to have that big of a technological advantage without our intelligence community knowing about it. I definitely don’t think either of those countries would be passive if they had that big of a technological advantage.

So that leaves 2 other explanations. Natural mirages and technology from elsewhere. I think the vast majority are mirages but there are a bunch more that have been seen that there is no explanation. So for those you have to start asking what and why now.

The subject is taboo because the science community doesn’t want to be shamed into being labeled a little green man nut. But personally I think there is something out there and I don’t think whatever it is hostile. In fact I think they are trying to keep us from hurting ourselves. The stories that are coming out now about ufos over our missile silos in North Dakota at the height of the Cold War are fascinating.

This is just a shot in the dark but I think that was their way of telling us we are not going to let you blow yourselves up. You have stumbled on to technology that is past your maturity and we are going to stop you. I think now they are showing us that there are power sources that won’t completely foul the environment (I am not a tree hugger). But that is just my personal stab at it but who the heck knows.

But Rubio, Clinton and Harry Reid are right, it is time for us to find out.

Thanks, enjoyed reading all that. What you describe sounds like the
Guardian Angels ( or Aliens ) Theory. If, a big IF, I’d have to choose I’d go with the similar Star Trek
First Contact movie premise …they are keeping a closer eye on us now because we are so
close to some revolutionary scientific breakthrough technology :slight_smile:

Agree about the potential kook label prevents military and serious scientist to take
a closer look. A true career limiting position you can never run away from. Also agree if the descriptions
of these crafts are true, it is way way beyond us, our allies, or adversaries. Unless you believe in
super secret government agencies that no politician can access. But that’s wild wild wild conspiracy theory stuff.

But the human hubris aspect of it , that we are so special we have all this alien attention, troubles me too. Reminds me of the church view of the earth being center of the universe back in the 1500-1600
and the animosity towards the science of Copernicus and Galileo.

But it’s fun to speculate and a good reason to get outside and lookup up; if only to soak up some sunshine or moonshine :wink:


NRG I think the Copernicus and Galileo reference is spot on. It was a time that man had a fundamental change in our view of the universe and our place in it. We realized the universe didn’t revolve around us. We adjusted.

Now I think we are about to find out that we aren’t alone and we aren’t the most advanced. Our adjustment will not only be that we aren’t the top dog, but we will find out that the top dogs don’t consume and conquer like man historically has done. They don’t need to, it is an infinite freaking universe.

When we realize they are out there, we are going to react like they are about to kick our ass and take our stuff. Because that is what we would do. They won’t and they will explain to us that the only reason we do that is we are conditioned towards protecting and hording limited resources. In an infinite universe there is no reason to do that. That is a pretty big leap forward for man. It changes everything.

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More sighting by the Navy. Now we know who made the pyramids

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This is like Star Trek. “Data, find out there intent?”.