VERY interesting movie about the City of Houston coming soon!

Let me tell you how hard it is going to be to find all the “facts”. I did a report on this event. The area where camp Logan was located was a lot of country side. It was a lot closer to the city of Houston. It wasn’t just rednecks in the country side out near the farmlands in country. . It was closer to River Oaks than to Katy. I had to pull up information from the archives in the UH Library. And it is really bad timing. But it was just about 100 years ago. The Klan was still around and out in the open. And Jim Crow was in full force throughout the South. So yea it was a really bad incident. But I will see it streaming. What is going to be next, the riot in Tulsa, the one near Chicago. There were a lot of race riots well they were actually white riots with white people attacking black people. And they weren’t just in the south but in the north as well. People tend to forget that we had a democratic President who was the most racist one in our history. He didn’t want any black men to be in the army in WW! and then wanted those who were to be cooks and sanitation men. Heck he had Birth of a Nation which features the KKK as heroes shown in the White House. The General of the US Army John Pershing to his credit wouldn’t do that. He had some black soldiers that he sent to the French and had his own(can’t remember if it was a division or a regiment of black soldiers on the front lines. A lot of the America Negroes who served with the French remained in France and became French citizens. Pershing was called Black Jack and it wasn’t because of the card game but because he had taught in a black school for several years and was the commander of the black troops who fought in Cuba(history note, they were actually the ones who went up San Juan Hill, not the Rough Riders who went up Kettle Hill which was the next hill over and then charged San Juan Hill from their hill. And yes I am a history buff especially on little known facts about wars.

Hi Delmarred,

Thanks for your interesting post.

I was under the impression that Camp Logan was at memorial park area. Had you heard that before?

Peggy, you’re right, Camp Logan occupied most of Memorial Park. There is an article at the Houston Chronicle website that shows a map of the camp’s location and the path the soldier’s took down Shepherd Dr.

Google: The ugly history of Camp Logan -

Thanks Gary I will read article.

Yes it’s an ugly history for sure.

Happy holidays!

People always get the two parties confused when they go back in time. You see, back then if you’re a Conservative you belonged with the Democratic Party, and vice versa, if you are a Liberal you belonged with the Republican Party. So, that’s why back then the vast majority of the people in the South were Democrats, and vice versa, the vast majority of the people living in the North were Republicans.

If I remember my history lessons correctly, the Republican Party was founded in Wisconsin by Liberals and the Democratic Party was founded in the South by Conservatives who wanted to conserve their slave-owning way of life. Back then the Republicans were anti slavery while the Southern Democrats were mostly slave owners or at least pro slavery.

There were several events that caused the two parties to switch sides. One of the main ones was the time when Franklin Roosevelt ran for president and when he became a president. Roosevelt was a Conservative Democrat who was running against President Hoover, a Republican who was a Liberal when it came to party association, but held mostly conservative beliefs — less government, free market capitalism, private businesses should rule the business world and the government should stay out of it, less regulations, no bail outs for the poor or people who had faced hard times and life-changing crisis, etc.

The aforementioned were Hoover’s beliefs, which were in line with the Conservatives of that time. When Roosevelt ran for president the Conservatives were expecting him to have the same sorts of platforms as Hoover, but instead he believed the government should do everything it could to help its people since at that time the Great Depression was in full swing and people were hungry, homeless, and unemployed.

So Roosevelt ran on a platform of expanding the rolls of the government in order to shake things up and get the ball rolling so the government could help the desperate American people. Once he beat out Hoover in the 1932 election, he created numerous construction projects. One such project took place at the Tennessee Valley that was overseen by the Tennessee Valley Authority which employed thousands of people. He also had other construction projects opened up at other parts of the country that employed many thousands more people.

He also created new regulations on banking and government subsidies to help out farmers and manufacturers for when the prices of their goods were too low for people to make a living. He created the Social Security Administration and many other government agencies to help the poor, the elderly, and the young to lift them out of poverty.

All these new government programs greatly angered Conservative Democrats who believed Roosevelt over-stepped his bounds and had no right to interfere with the free market and people’s lives. Conservative Democrats believed that the free market would take care itself without any government initiatives or assistance. Roosevelt pointed out that the nation had four years of that ideology and it didn’t work, and in fact, it had gotten worse with every year that Hoover was in office.

Well, this split by Roosevelt from his Conservative Democrats caused many Democrats to move away from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party since Hoover was a Republican and he shared their beliefs. Over the next couple of decades more and more Conservatives moved away from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party until it became pretty close to what it is today by the late 1960’s.

All that time while the Conservatives were moving to the Republican Party the Liberals were moving to the Democratic Party since they saw that their beliefs and values were more aligned with Roosevelt and other Democratic leaders that came after Roosevelt in the 1960’s and 1970’s.

So, it is very misleading when people say the Democrats were the bad guys because they were the slave owners back in the day! Or since the Republicans belonged in the same party as Lincoln and he was the one that freed the slaves that makes the Republicans the good guys and the Democrats the bad guys when in fact Lincoln was actually a Liberal, and if we were to use today’s term to describe him he would be called a Democrats!

Sounds confusing isn’t it? BTW, I want people to know I’m not trying to be political. I just want to educate people on some history that I have learned. Also, I’m no expert in history but I think I have the general idea right when it comes to the history of the two parties. What I wrote here is not mistake-free historical accounts by any stretch. Shoot, even history books have stuff that many historians disagree!

The Democratic Party was founded in 1828.

It was founded by Andrew Jackson, a Southerner, and Martin VanBuren, a Northerner.

Its early Presidents included both Southerners like Jackson and Polk, and Northerners like VanBuren and Franklin Pierce.

It supported state’s rights for the most part, and was not anti-slavery.

Its closest rival, the Whig Party, eventually dissolved because it couldn’t come to an accord on slavery.

The Republican Party’s original platform was anti-slavery.

At the time of the Camp Logan riots, I believe that the President was Democrat Woodrow Wilson, a racist.

Thanks @HoustonCoogster and @uhlaw97. This is a bit of political history myself and a lot of people are not familiar with.

Coogster has the evolution of the two parties correct. Of course there were and are conservative democrats and liberal republicans even today. Some have hypothesized the American politics now divides into 10 different groups.

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I saw The 24th come up on one of my movie channels and am will record it

Which channel?


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Finally got to see it on Apple TV.

INTENSE movie!!!

Highly recommended!!!