Wow Texas Monthly

I do miss playing in the same division of the legacy teams in the Cards and Cubs. Also it was nice when a majority of the road games started at 7pm in the central time zone.

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I miss being 30. Very soon to be 62. #AdaptToChangesOrFail


I like the fact that the Yankees and the Dodgers hate us. This is a first in baseball history.


I gotta know. How in the hell did Richard Justice, a writer, “help” Bud Selig move the Astros to the American League? How could he possibly have had any power or influence in the decision?

And what exactly is so tragic about the Astros moving to the American League? IMO it was a good move and they are better off there.

Another thing about RJ that nobody has mentioned in this thread. His daughter was on the UH Swim Team.


I was hoping the question wouldn’t be asked, not worth it as far as how Justice helped or influenced Selig :roll_eyes:. Crane coming in as new Owner didn’t have to agree w any of it. Ok hopefully the subject dies.

Yes, I could respond but I’m going to let it die

Go Coogs! Beat Grambling!

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I guess it will remain a mystery lol.

When you are hated that’s when you know you have arrived! If you’re not a threat to them then there wouldn’t be a reason for them to hate you!


Pretty girl! I didn’t know Justice’s daughter is a Coog! Well, that partly explained why he didn’t like all of the attacks and trash talks by his own school’s fans that were levied at the Coogs!