2023 Transfer Portal

If thats true then FAU should be the favorites to win the AAC. Kendrick is levels better than Love is imo

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I wouldn’t be surprised they need a replacement for Davis. I also think he could go to Missouri.

I’m just going to sit here until something concrete involving UH like a visit pops up.

I’ll leave the interweebs stalking to these cabrones @Joprior23 @pesik @Kmoney @Jesse22 @ehog

lmao you JUST posted this…and have the audacity to call us interweeb stalkers lol


Why not, you went straight into detail without anyone asking lol… Creepy vibes if you ask me!

Someone asked for this, and since Kellen follows me on Twitterverse I responded

You on the other hand stalked people who have no idea who you even are. And I’m not even talking about players or coaches, but straight up family. :hushed::hushed::open_mouth::skull: :point_down:

ayy why didn’t you give my man a follow back??

I dont have to he’s on my timeline.

huh what does that mean

that is a dumb rebuttal as sasser dad follows me on twitter and who i was referring too …weve even exchanged dms (mostly him just thanking me for the highlight reels)


Since he follows me i can see him if he post anything.

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a premature tournament exit and coogfans is discussing who follows who on twitter, between this and waiting on how the roster will look for the debut b12 season its gonna be a looong offseason :sob:


Please stop lol.

I try to stay quiet on here for 48 hrs n somehow my name still comes up! :laughing::smile::sweat_smile:.

Ahh what the heck let me go start a JWalker thread . :laughing::grin:

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Why do these two give me a Jim Carey and Jeff Daniels vibe?


See Football thread for examples. :man_shrugging::flushed:

Arky surprisingly is pursuing players in the portal, :joy:


ouch, but okay

@MRCoog ( or progs) just saying try not calling people out on activities you are probably the most active in…


Dude z that was a classic progs set-up. It’s best to just ignore him when he’s trolling


Hello, I’m a long time lurker and coog fan. I’m compiling a list of possible transfers. I will visit back hopefully with more information and continue to see the information on here.


Cameron Diaz follows me on Instagram….yeah, it’s like that….y’all can have people’s dads.

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