After Midnight

I don’t either. But lots of them do it.

Btw, Kyle Rittenhouse announced yesterday he will be attending ATM.

These polls are interesting.

They clearly point to a GOP resounding win in November. BUT gun violence is the number 2 issue. So if I were advising the GOP I would do something and take this issue off the plate. Otherwise, yeah you will win big in November but there will be a few major upsets.

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Of course he is.

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Sorry if I’m captain obvious here, but just have to say something…

The official name of China is “People’s Republic of China”. It is not a republic and not of the people.

The official name of North Korea is “The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea”. It is not a democratic state and not of the people.

“Nazi” translated means “National Socialist German Workers’ Party”. They are not left side (socialist) at all. They are far right, i.e., fascists.


Did 97 get banned as well? He hasn’t pounced on the second amendment posts.


Exactly the Nazis were pretty good at names and slogans that weren’t exactly the truth.

“Work will set you free” at auschwitz


Yeah, Nazis were about as socialist as the DPRK is a democratic republic.


Lot of historic parallels to the Weimar in motion across the board. Broadly speaking, there’s been calamity, economic conditions deteriorating, lots of notm violating, a Putsch. A party with a very strong authoritarian kick, or as Ben Sasse put it, “Strongman Daddy issues” is surging. And a public that is rightfully concerned, but far to hung up on the temporary economic pain trees, to see the very dangerous forest lurking right behind them. The other parallel is of course, they are telling you exactly what they are going to do, how they are going to do it, and whom they are going to do it too.



Someone is saying they will run on a revenge campaign if they win in 2024.

So true…“they are telling you exactly what they are going to do, how they are going to do it, and whom they are going to do it too.”

If all the bad stuff happens to all the right people, what’s the problem? :wink:


Lol. This guy…lol

The best part of Schoolhouse Rock was learning how to barricade doors, turn off the lights, play dead, and keep quiet so that you could live to learn how bills sit at the steps of Congress and never become laws.

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That is exactly right. The mistake Germany made was they didn’t listen to Hitler. He said exactly what he was going to do and everyone dismissed it.

It really is time to listen to what is said.


No one else finds it strange that they used the words militia and state in the second Amendment but what they really meant was individual. That is some linguistic gymnastics

Yes I always found that strange. Folks like 97 will argue militia in that time period just means referring to “a big old bunch of people”. But, as I’ve said before, they knew and used the word
people when they needed, reference the declaration of independence. And if they just
meant a “big old bunch of people with guns” for militia, we still must address the well regulated

Should be a good fit for him. So glad he didn’t choose

And it talks about the security of a free state being the goal nothing about defending your home or self.

Makes me think they were referring to what we call today the states national guard.


I mean, “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed” seems pretty clear to me. A lot of the discourse around the 2A revolves around the “well-regulated militia” part, but that just reads to me like the justification for the rest of the amendment.