Armed man at Jan6th convicted

A good segment of the population wants to return to Ozzie & Harriet days except with cell phones, internet porn, cable TV, and Viagra. The world is confusing now that nobody wants to stay in their divinely-appointed lanes. Too many “others” for the comfort of a lot of folks.

Honestly I’d have been happier with a 24-month sentence so he could serve and get on with his life. I’m guessing fewer will choose to go to trial, but cut deals instead.

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Jazz I honestly believe that it is a huge demographic bubble that is aging that can no longer think critically and yes they are searching for a simple time when the world made sense.

When you get to a certain age, it is difficult to change your mind. More facts don’t lead to better decisions they lead to anger and confusion. They push back hard on anything that makes them re-think their positions.

We have a huge bubble that is going through this. Trump is taking advantage of them monetarily. He is a simple con man that fleeces old people.


There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism—by vote. It is merely the difference between murder and suicide.

So you want socialism?

Only in extreme socialism which no one except the communist countries have ever really done.

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Lol did you see the british man who was arrested for posting a offensive meme on social media? Keep your head in the sand.

You think the UK is a socialistic state close to communism?

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Why dont they just say they want an autocratic theocracy…they are clamoring for it…give them their god king, and Christian nationalism and a supreme court to rule them all.

Until then it will be more…woke…libs…communism…socialism…marxist…or what ever phrase the throw out.

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Heading that way. It’s a process.

I’d love to hear why you think that. Other than some one off dude getting arrested. Even if they don’t have freedom of speech, it doesn’t make them communistic.

Heading that way.

That doesn’t say much. It seems you’re making a gut reaction to a couple of things.

I don’t see how you can objectively say that the UK is headed to communism.

The UK doesn’t have a constitution guaranteeing free speech. Bad example.

One of the tenants of communism is the lack of free speech.

That’s a tenant of authoritarianism, regardless of which direction.

Anyway, when did the UK have that?


Never that’s when. There’s never been an absolute right to free speech there. In all centuries never had it, but managed not to succumb to gulags.

Under Article 10 of the Human Rights Act 1998, “ everyone has the right to freedom of expression ” in the UK. But the law states that this freedom “may be subject to formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society”.


Everything they claim to fear may happen, they are deeply craving to do the same to those who don’t agree with their POV, and then say it was Gods work.

Do what to those who disagree?

The implication that ‘the Tories are driving the UK towards communism’ is one of the most wildest takes I’ve ever read on here. LMAO