Attention people who own gray seats behind benches

How much do the on court floor seats cost?

$1,075 per seat for courtside
IIRC there are 17 home games this season so that would be a little over $63 per game

Someone mentioned a 50,000 dollar per seat commitment paid out over 5 years on top of that price for floor seats, is that true??


Yes, that is correct. You get access to the Legends Club where you are wined and dined, and get to hang out with the legends and top donors when they show up (Akeem, Carl Lewis, etc…) Great for networking.

Among the several reasons/excuses for empty seats :

  1. Proximity to the school. Core fans who live close, don’t buy season tickets.
  2. Pro sports city
  3. If you’re watching the empty gray seats, you’re watching on tv and you’re not at the game

Yeah, pretty crazy. $10,000 over five years for grey seats behind our bench is a lot easier to handle.

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Yes, and you may be watching the gray seats on TV because you live out of town/out of state and don’t have the gray-seat wealth to fly in for games.


Interesting sign I saw in Bama-LSU game… STAND UP THE STUDENT SECTION CAN’T DO IT ALONE!

Lots of empty seats against #13 LSU, too.

We ain’t the only people complaining about their basketball atmosphere/attendance.


I wonder how that complaining is helping at other places?

I think I know. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Shouldn’t matter who we are playing, the Coogs are playing.


All of them, to say that all the season tickets were sold.

…IT’S ALL IN THE MARKETING!! UH billboards should be all over H town!!


This is why I think of reducing season ticket count. 1100 tickets for the COMMON fan is NOT ENOUGH, that is JUST ABOUT AS MUCH as student attendance…

5000 season tickets is awesome, selling that out is also awesome, but it’s too much and doesn’t give access to people in town. Some people in town will pay for great, great seats, and the general allotment doesn’t really provide that.


Just eliminate all season tickets and let the students pick up the bill for UH Basketball. Should only add about 20 or 30 dollars a semester to the student fees. That way, all 2 or 3 hundred of them can show up for the games without having to stand in line.


I don’t think we should reduce the number of season tickets sold.


I have 2 seats in the Uecker seats behind the Coog bench.

It’s gotten that week day games better be competitive to get me to come out. Saturday’s game, I thought, would be competitive. I was gone with 15 minutes left in the 2nd half.

What Goodman said is correct, the AAC looks bad. I’m hoping SMU is for real because the rest of the league is pretty bad.

Boo. And that’s not even enough.


I think 1100 tickets for the Common Fan is too many and should be reduced to 500 and the other 600 go to season ticket holders.


Sort of agree with OTCoog. Selling more season tickets = more guaranteed revenue. We have been to every game this season and if there were 5,000 season tickets sold it appears to me show up attendance is not so good. It would be interesting to know how many season tickets that are no shows and how many nonseason tickets show up. My guess for this year we are averaging 3,000 - 3,500 season tickets showing up, nonseason tickets averaging 400 or so and students are way down from two years ago at 400 or so if there are 300 in the Cage on floor. My estimates are just guesses based on what I see at the games. So, if we are getting 4,500 - 5,000 or so in seats that is sad when there are 7,100 total seats.


Here I am thinking how great it is if we’re getting 4500 to 5k per game… I used to go to games with a few hundred people…

It can, and will, get better… But man what a difference 5 years makes…!