Big 10 Expansion door no longer closed… As mentioned yesterday by BTM “The Source” the door is now cracked open. Basketball will play important role in realignment? This is going to take some time…but something has changed inside Big Ten. B1G Expansion door no longer slammed shut.

Is Kansas going to the big 10? and who else?

We are the logical choice because I am a fan


We are the logical choice because we have the real Pearland as a fan.


Please don’t reference “BTM” as a valid source. It’s simply a twitterverse character that takes his followers thru a fictional conference realignment story.

Next thing you know Pearland will be referencing The Dude of WV and Tuxedo Yoda as solid expansion sources…


Pearland = BTM.


BTM??? The blind leading the blind.

Speculations, innuendos, assumptions, rumors, gossip, all treated as truth. Unfreaking believable.

Just to add,

The guy is saying the B1G is watching the SEC with the expectation that they will move to a pod system. The 4 SEC pod winners would play a semifinal game before the SEC championship that would generate tens of millions of dollars each year. This would prompt the B1G to expand by 2 in order to create their own pod structure that could compete. The pool for potential schools is entirely made of Big 12 schools as the alliance won’t raid each other.

This is my opinion:

This is a more plausible expansion scenario than the B1G raiding the Pac 12. You’d also imagine that the Pac 12 and ACC would be forced to keep up. Assuming Notre Dame takes one of the ACC slots that leaves spots for 7 of the future Big 12 teams if this is indeed the end game.

Lol at this

So what if the BIG decided to pick up Kansas, Oklahoma State, Texas Tech & Houston from the Big 12? That would make 4 teams for a new SW Pod - with all being in contiguous states & with a few aspiring schools that are getting close, but still have some work to do to attain their AAU membership status.

Things could get really interesting.

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They are already at 14 schools. I don’t believe 18 teams work. In my opinion, the only reason any of these conferences would consider going to 16+ is for pods… For my money, pods only makes sense if you’re looking to have a intraconference playoff for conference championship game. Of course, this would only be done in an effort to get more T.V. money, which it would. On another note, that is why there will be a playoff expansion… Lots of money in it… Not just for the SEC but for the other conferences, as well. Just see what MLB and NFL have done with playoff expansion.

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UH is part of New America AAU


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It’s CFB QAnon


If the BIG only chooses to poach from the Big 12, then KU and ISU are the only choices, as they meet the academic requirements, geography and have great basketball programs.

However, if the BIG does not actually give a hoot about the “Alliance”, as I suspect, then I would expect to see CU get an invite, along with KU.

The wildcard here is whether the BIG will do what they have always wanted to do and raid the ACC to take GaTech and NC or UVA. UVA makes more sense because of geography, also has great basketball and is in a major media market.

UVA is a national school with alumni everywhere, but especially along the east coast. UVA also maintains geographical compactness since it would border Maryland and PA (almost). That would also recreate the Maryland- UVA CBB rivalry. Finally VA is a great football recruiting hotbed, especially in the Norfolk-Va Beach area. Vick, Iverson, DeAngelo Hall, Dwight Stephenson, Tyrod Taylor among others, are from the area. That region single handedly keeps VaTech competitive in Football.

That would be steal.

I could see the B1G trying to take USC and maybe Stanford too.

They could do that. I was thinking that they’d stop at 16 but I suppose a 20 team conference would allow for pods too. 18 teams seems like it would be difficult to schedule for. I’d guess the Pac would be more likely to to 4 Big 12 teams.

SW pod for the Pac 16: UH, TCU, OkSt, Tech?

So for all the long talk it’s basically, if the SEC makes a f ton more money in a pod system the B1G will also look at trying to make a f ton more money.

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What happens to the Big 12 if the Big ten takes Kansas and Iowa state and the Pac 12 takes Houston and TCU ?

It’s ded Jim!

What happens to the Big 12 if the Big ten takes Kansas and Iowa state and the Pac 12 takes Houston and TCU ?

AAC 3.0

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I fully expect this big 12 thing to backfire one way or another. I’ve been glass half empty from the get go.

so we will most likely join the big 12 then a few of the remaining “big players” will leave thus leaving us in another American Conference.

until we’re in the big 12 and playing ball I will remain pessimistic.