Biggest Needs for Next Year?


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TW may have pushed hard for that placement as a way to get him to return.


Did some checking. Jack Burke is listed on the roster as a catcher, but he played RF. I presume that’s what he’ll play here so I updated my other post.

Regardless, he was signed because of his bat. He was his team’s best power hitter and second best overall hitter (OPS).

Eight games in and he hasn’t played yet, according to their stats.

You forgot one — Base running.

That just means he hasn’t arrived yet, or he could be hurt.

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Correct Baller.

He’s not missing games because he’s not good enough, etc.

Of course.

Ross Kivett @CougarKiv23

Don’t know who these recruits are; I presume he’s letting them announce it themselves.


Booooom. 💥 💨 #bestcoast 😎

— Ross Kivett (@CougarKiv23) June 11, 2024


Boom!! 💥 😎

— Ross Kivett (@CougarKiv23) June 10, 2024


Boom! 💥 💥

— Ross Kivett (@CougarKiv23) June 5, 2024

Do we know who hit the portal?

Chance Cox
Payton Allen
Merek Sears
Bryson Walker
Tyler Gray
Thomas Lyssy
Cam Nickens
Dillon Despain

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Only Nickens and Lyssey had any at bats this year.

Nickens (Jr) started quite a few games in the OF but batting average was just 0.213 on 108 AB, which was down quite a bit from 2022 (0.293).

Sears (RS Jr), Walker (Sr) and Allen (RS-F) didn’t pitch. Cox transferred to Austin Peay in January.

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Allen went through fall ball but was not on the spring roster.

Nickens left the team before the end of the season. He had been benched in favor of Arbolida, who had a program record setting SLG

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He got benched because Schoenvogel came back from an injury and started playing CF again. They tried to play him at CF, which was ridiculous. Schoenvogel should have been starting from the beginning and they should have let Cary and Pickens battle it out in LF. Cary had an unbelievable year. If he would have had more AB’s early, he would have been an All American in a couple of the magazines. Wouldn’t have made us win more, though!


That says a lot about that kid.( leaving before the end of the year for being benched).

He was given more than enough opportunity to take the job and keep it……fact is he didn’t perform enough to be a starter on a Big-12 team, even a bad one.

Leaving like that is about as selfish as you can get and a big FU to the rest of the team.

I wouldn’t want a kid like that in my dugout.

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Agree. He had a qualifying number of ABs to be listed on the leader boards, but not nearly as many as the guys who started all season.

They need to start including .OPS leaders in the program records. I think Cary is the UH Baseball single-season record holder for .OPS. I went back and compared him to all the best hitters over the last 25 years that I could think of and he had the highest. Geoffrey Tomlinson was second best.


Yes !
In B12 play:
1st of 107 in OPS
2nd in HRs.
9th in BA
1st by a country mile in SLG %
17th in OB %

Just 87th of 107 in ABs.
What was this sad sack UH staff thinking ?

Checking out Murray.
@ 80th + in above B12 categories.
Very lucky to make all B12.
Big series v KSU and KU and that was it.

Conner Bennett is no longer on the Mankato MoodDogs roster (Northwoods League).

That is a huge opportunity to turn down. I hope he is not hurt!