Brandon Jones

I know one

Interesting, now Jones is in the SEC.

Thats what I mean Coach

this could be trouble for UH OL

They already left

I meant, the one who just left

The SEC seems like an odd landing spot for someone who doesn’t recruit very well.

Especially the bottom of the SEC

Different selling points. SEC, flagship university of state, averages 55,000/game, relatively new (2020) end zone facility.

Yes but he’s also competing against schools that are often more appealing.

Last time I checked, he left a G5 school and ended up at an SEC school. What am I missing?


Dana scapegoated him ?

We’re a G5 school? You’re missing plenty I’m sure.

Technically until what, June or July?

No. We just finished the AAC basketball tournament, am I correct? When BJones left, we were and still are G5


He left or was fired? We’re operating and recruiting at a Big XII level.


They offered Jones(cam) i believe. Might be his new destination.

If he has the same performance as he did at UH his coffee won’t have a chance to get cold.

If the stats are similar at Mizzou, he’ll be fine

Yeah, I thought the offensive line excelled at pass blocking and was so-so on run blocking. What probably got him fired was the inability to recruit top high school and Portal linemen. But I’m not sure that’s as much on him as it is UH in general.

Who are you talking about that just left.