Can someone learn this offense

Why can’t Applewhite learn this Offense? If Briles moves on Major should be able to keep the offense.
That being said I expect Briles to stay put or become our HC.

It’s in the briles genes. If UH has a bioscience department capable of it then we could do a dna transplant from briles to apple white and our future would be certain.


Applewhite learned from saban!

That is funny !!!

My god, can’t we just not worry about Briles leaving until he actually does.


Briles will be poached before CMA will be unless Briles moves to HC.

I would be worried if I was Applewhite though because regardless of our records, it’s Briles that is the factor for our success. If Briles wants a HC job, I’m sure the BoR would replace CMA with Briles to keep him.

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After tonight I am not worried about CKB moving on. But … to answer the question, there is NO PLAY BOOK. What is there to learn?

Wouldn’t happen. If Briles left, CMA would hire a new coordinator. Life would move on.

Some of the things people come up with… not saying only you. Many have said a similar thing, and every time it is equally ridiculous.


There are two parts of Briles offense:

  1. The system
  2. The call

You could find anyone that can learn the system. Only a few can manage it successfully.

Dana (with some exceptions inside the 20) was a master at play calling within a spread/fast-paced offense. I think most OC’s, including Applewhite, find it too cumbersome to run it 100% of the time on their own.

Art was the opposite. Art acted as if his system were the only game ever invented.

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That’s what I thought

Should not have passed on Todd Orlando


Randy Clements knows the offense better than anyone-he’s coached with art ball the way back to their high school days. Now, whether he is a good play caller is to be determined.


Clements would be a likely OC successor when CKB leaves. Hopefully, he would be at calling plays, making in game adjustments, recruiting assistants, and managing the O staff. Unfortunately only time would tell.

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He would be a lower risk option if the time comes and the selection that would probably worry me the least.

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lol…looking back…i remember dana struggling after a rough game. He was asked about yards per play. Paraphrasing he said, “in this offense my job isn’t to tell people where to run…my job to to make it painful for people that can’t catch a football.”

I like that!

Not sure it was stated exactly like that but that was the philosophical syntax.

The idea is: when we catch the ball we win.

Can someone learn the offense? Good god it’s not rocket science. Coaches like to tell you they’re smarter than they really are. It’s just football

Your correct, but Briles system is unique. The Briles system is currently being copied or trying to be copied by a lot of folks out there. The run/pass option that everyone is now talking about is the basis of Briles system… IMO, what makes it unique is the blocking schemes. Last year the number one offense in the nation was, wait for it, a Div III school out of south Florida. The line coach for that team was Clemens, yes, the same guy that is now coaching our line. The OC for that same team was Art Briles son in law. Who by the way, is now the OC at UCF. I suspect the reason that FAU last year took so long to really get going was because they lacked the line coaching that Clemens provides. Add to the mix, Sterling Gilbert is the OC in USF, who by the way, was a grad assistant of Art Briles while he was at Houston, thus USF is running a version of the same offense.

It should be an interesting season considering Tulsa, Houston, USF, and UCF all are running a form or version of the Briles system. But we do have an advantage, we have both Briles and Clemens and I think that they will be the difference makers.


Knowing an offense, individual plays, can be easily taught. Operating the offense in a winning sequence of plays, where the success of one play is determined by a previous play (not necessarily immediately preceding play) and thus “setting up” the defense to fail is a trait that stems from fulling understanding the defense and an overall understanding of how to use your plays and players as weapons in a bigger battle . . . . .