Can we please stop giving UT TOO MUCH CREDIT!

Yes I am. Now go attack Law , he’s waiting.
It’s 6:45 a.m. in Cali n away we go. Unbelievable!

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GIF NOT Allowed on here.

What’s the matter? You have no sense of humor YOU?

My motive worked. It threw you off from attacking attacking.

The Madcows are loose. Run Forrest run!

Edit: The ONE n only reason I do it.

He “donated” the land the same way corporations “donated” money to politicians — give a few millions and get something much more in return! I’m pretty sure the guy that “donated” the land got every bit of his money back from UT! Only the public will never get to see the receipt since it’s all being done under the table!


You have a motive?

Blah blah. I gave it to you.

Go. Take the last one. Golden Retriever needs his 40 min walk.

I think UT is associated with TMC and even has many projects that they work together with TMC. I know UT has its M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, which I believe is a part of the TMC umbrella.

Nobody donated any land. UT bought land and it has increased in value.

Mr Chris is looking for you Sir!

I believe at first some of the folks at UT tried to present the land as a gift to UT by one of its alums in order for UT to avoid suspicions and being looked at by local government officials.

I’ve never seen any proof of this. Will you post the newspaper link?

Do you get paid by madcowsu for defending them on ALL madcowsu subjects/threads?

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You deflect every time you don’t have a legitimate answer. Did you ever file suit to correct the illegal activity you claim happened? That’s a rhetorical question because I know you didn’t because you knew you didn’t have a case. Or else you were just blowing smoke for no reason.

I’m not going to look for links, it has been talked about a lot over at this site that a UT donor donated the land to his alma mater. There used to be several articles written about this subject by the Chronicle, but now their articles are being blocked by paywalls. You probably haven’t been following this site when we talked about this land. Sometimes it has been talked about when guys bring up the topic about the PUF. Do some research of your own if you’re that interested. A search engine called “Google” can help you find what you want to know.

That’s the problem without reading any further.

People with an agenda on this subject have talked a lot of untruths and outright lies.

Claiming the land was donated was completely proven wrong. Claiming that it was illegal was wrong. Claiming that UT overpaid (hence not donated) was wrong. Claiming that remediating the land would be too expensive (despite proof by me that other land has been remediated and a profit turned).

UT has a nursing school, dental school and medical schools in the TMC. So yea they are a big player in TMC. So what?

You’re the one who backed up the claim that is totally false. Just in my previous reply I proved you wrong so the onus is on you to provide the link.