Cawthorn says D.C rife with sexual perversion

So we want leaders who snort coke? While passing laws to incarcerate other’s for the same crime? :thinking:

Snorting coke is a crime, as is possession. Swapping partners with someone at a party is not a crime. That would be none of our business.


Speak of cocaine, nothing else. People want to
miscreant so be, history has shown repeatly no good end comes to any society that endorsed or overlooks overlooks immoral behavior personally I don’t want to be lead by such leaders, if there immoral in there personal it will eventually spill over into there public life, guaranteed. Bad consequences for a society. I know you say it’s voluntary, maybe not for some wife’s it just the cost to be with that man thank I’m shooting off at the mouth, been many a women who attest this in interviews who participate in group sex with their spouse. It’s a perversion and unholy totally contrary to what God intended for man and woman to be with one another. Does this make me a moralist, damn straight it does, I have no problem being such…I don’t want to be lead by a bunch of cocaine snorting sexual pervert, freaks.

The problem is when one group tries to push their version of morals onto another.

No one can make people moral it has to be internally driven. It’s up to society to establish the redlines. if individual’ s want to live a life of debauchery, that’s on them. Don’t bring me pig slop and try to convince me, it’s filet mignon.

Well that’s only been happening since the beginning of time. Next thing you’ll tell me how people in power tend to do things that will keep them in power or perhaps even do things to directly benefit themselves.

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Well, I was until you beat me to it. :innocent:

Cawthorn has been accused of sexual misconduct in his own right.

Maybe he’s just deflecting.


That is what you believe. And our secular government no longer can prohibit people from consensual conduct. No more adultery charges, sodomy charges, racial intermarriage charges. This is a good thing. Nobody forces anybody to do anything which amounts to private behavior, nor stops them from whatever they want to do.

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I thought I made that clear. I said I was a moralist. No apologies.

I guess the point is what citizens believe regarding private conduct should never be a reason to enact laws prohibiting such. May it always be so. FWIW, I live a very buttoned-down life. That just doesn’t give me the right to make choices for others.

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I never said you could legislate people being good. As Benjamin Franklin said the less man act like angels the more legislation is needed. Now old Ben had a few treatise in his life and some illegitimate children it’s said…point is you can’t legislate sexual behavior. But those who practice iniquitous behavior at some point will feel they can exhibit it in public, the more debased a society becomes. There’s no escaping there is universal order that man defies at his own risk. If you’re an atheist doesn’t matter puff your gone. But just remember this physics say we live in closed loop universe, energy can neither created nor destroyed first law of thermodynamics. It can be transformed to other forms of energy or matter. So the same energy at the beginning of the Universe is still with us now. what that have to do with anything you ask? Us humans are part of this Universe. If you don’t believe in higher authority fine, but as soldiers say in battle they never saw a atheist in a foxhole. We all are in that foxhole, a lot just don’t know it. Like i said people can do their debauchery. I don’t want no parts of it. Especially in the people I trust to lead our civilization.

Debauchery rocks!

Hedonism bot approves


Yea. Cawthorn has a history of less-than truthful remarks, as well.

He appears to be a nut.

Maybe McCarthy asked him to walk it back because it’s BS? Maybe Cawthorn is trying to build his brand, ala the original McCarthy (Joe) by attacking those around him?

IMO, nothing here to see.


What kind of a thread is this?
What ever people do in their private lives is none of our business. This is where I can’t stand the repubs. Someone is assaulted? That is criminal and that man or women should be thrown in jail with other sexual offenders.

Your boy Roger Stone says it is all true (he and his wife would know) and Maddison is not retracting his story.

Madison Cawthorn is a lying, immature fool. Anyone with half a brain knows that, including the majority of leaders in the GOP.


Cawthorn doesn’t have much room to go around calling other people sexual predators or perverts, it seems.

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Cawthorn is in a primary on May 17. He’s angered a lot of people in his own party, but the power of incumbency is pretty strong. Who knows if he wins? FWIW, any Republican winning the primary wins the seat. It is untouchable for a Democrat, which is why these safe districts get so much money and action.